Giorgio Trinchieri
Identification and characterization of a novel Ets-2-related nuclear complex implicated in the activation of the human interleukin-12 p40 gene promoter.
Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a proinflammatory cytokine produced by antigen-presenting cells in response to many microbial infections. IL-12 plays an important role in the generation of T helper type-1 cells, which favor cell-mediated immune response. IL-12 is composed of two different subunits, p40 and p35, whose expression can be regulated concomitantly or differentially. Monocytic cells, the major producers of IL-12, can be primed by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) to produce optimal amounts of IL-12 in response to LPS stimulation as a consequence of bacterial infection. The priming effect is exerted primarily at the transcriptional level on the p40 promoter in conjunction with the effects of …
Cell-Type-Specific Responses to Interleukin-1 Control Microbial Invasion and Tumor-Elicited Inflammation in Colorectal Cancer.
Summary Chronic inflammation drives the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). Increased expression of interleukin (IL)-17A is associated with poor prognosis, and IL-17A blockade curbs tumor progression in preclinical models of CRC. Here we examined the impact of IL-1 signaling, a key regulator of the IL-17 pathway, in different cell types within the CRC microenvironment. Genetic deletion of the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R1) in epithelial cells alleviated tumorigenesis in the APC model of CRC, demonstrating a cell-autonomous role for IL-1 signaling in early tumor seed outgrowth. T cell specific ablation of IL-1R1 decreased tumor-elicited inflammation dependent on IL-17 and IL-22, thereby reducing…
Oncogene-driven intrinsic inflammation induces leukocyte production of tumor necrosis factor that critically contributes to mammary carcinogenesis.
Abstract Oncogene activation promotes an intrinsic inflammatory pathway that is crucial for cancer development. Here, we have investigated the actual effect of the inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on the natural history of spontaneous mammary cancer in the HER2/neuT (NeuT) transgenic mouse model. Bone marrow transplantation from TNF knockout mice into NeuT recipients significantly impaired tumor growth, indicating that the source of TNF fostering tumor development was of bone marrow origin. We show that the absence of leukocyte-derived TNF disarranged the tumor vasculature, which lacked pericyte coverage and structural integrity, leading to diffuse vascular hemorrhage and s…
Recommendations from the iSBTc-SITC/FDA/NCI Workshop on Immunotherapy Biomarkers
Abstract Purpose: To facilitate development of innovative immunotherapy approaches, especially for treatment concepts exploiting the potential benefits of personalized therapy, there is a need to develop and validate tools to identify patients who can benefit from immunotherapy. Despite substantial effort, we do not yet know which parameters of antitumor immunity to measure and which assays are optimal for those measurements. Experimental Design: The iSBTc-SITC (International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer-Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and NCI (National Cancer Institute) partnered to address these issues for immunotherapy of cancer. Here…