M. C. Banuls
Studying Indirect Violation of CP, T and CPT in a B-factory
In this work we analyze the observable asymmetries one can build from entangled B-meson states, in order to extract information on the parameters epsilon and delta which govern indirect violation of discrete symmetries. The traditionally proposed observables, based on flavour tags, are not helpful for the study of the Bd-system, where the tiny value of the width difference between physical states clears up such asymmetry effects. Our study makes instead use of CP tags in order to build new asymmetries where the different parameters can be separated out. For this separation, it is decisive to achieve a good time resolution in the measurement of entangled state decays. Nevertheless, even with…
CP, T and CPT versus temporal asymmetries for entangled states of the B-system
The observables used in the K-system to characterize T and CPT violation are no longer useful for the Bd-system, since the width difference between the physical states is vanishingly small. We show that only Im(epsilon) and Re(delta) can survive if Delta Gamma=0, and build alternative CP-odd, CPT-odd, T-odd and temporal asymmetries for the (B_CP -> B0, B0bar) transitions. These quantities enable us to test T and CPT invariances of the effective Hamiltonian for the B-system. The method needs the CP eigenstates B_CP, which can be tagged unambiguously to order lambda^3 from the entangled states of a B-factory.