Claire Jackson
IMI – Oral biopharmaceutics tools project – Evaluation of bottom-up PBPK prediction success part 4: Prediction accuracy and software comparisons with improved data and modelling strategies
Oral drug absorption is a complex process depending on many factors, including the physicochemical properties of the drug, formulation characteristics and their interplay with gastrointestinal physiology and biology. Physiological-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models integrate all available information on gastro-intestinal system with drug and formulation data to predict oral drug absorption. The latter together with in vitro-in vivo extrapolation and other preclinical data on drug disposition can be used to predict plasma concentration-time profiles in silico. Despite recent successes of PBPK in many areas of drug development, an improvement in their utility for evaluating oral absorption i…
Additional file 1: of Proceedings of the 2nd BEAT-PCD conference and 3rd PCD training school: part 1
Aims, methods, outcomes and current status of ongoing and new BEAT-PCD projects, presented at the 2nd BEAT-PCD Conference & 3rd Training School. (DOCX 30Â kb)