Comparison of the effects of massage with mineral oil or ozonated oil bioperoxoil© on blood lactate, stress percevied and heart rate in cyclists
Muscular fatigue is a factor that influence heavily performance of athletes. There is a lack of data about effect of massage with substances “ad hoc”. The aim of our research was to investigate the effect of application of ozonated oil on some parameters linked to fatigue in cyclists. 30 cyclists male was divided in two groups of 15 (PLO= placebo oil; OZO=ozonated Oil). Subjects was submitted in two different session to work protocol that consist in a rectangular test on cyclergometer followed by 30’ of rest. After the rest athletes performed an incremental test. HR (heart rate), Wmax (Watt maximal), RPE (rate of Perceived Exertion) and Lab(Blood Lactate) was misured at the end and after 5’…