Mora Durocher

Evidence that Ultra-High-Energy Gamma Rays are a Universal Feature Near Powerful Pulsars

The highest-energy known gamma-ray sources are all located within 0.5 degrees of extremely powerful pulsars. This raises the question of whether ultra-high-energy (UHE; $>$ 56 TeV) gamma-ray emission is a universal feature expected near pulsars with a high spin-down power. Using four years of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory, we present a joint-likelihood analysis of ten extremely powerful pulsars to search for UHE gamma-ray emission correlated with these locations. We report a significant detection ($>$ 3$��$), indicating that UHE gamma-ray emission is a generic feature of powerful pulsars. We discuss the emission mechanisms of the gamma rays a…

research product

A survey of active galaxies at TeV photon energies with the HAWC gamma-ray observatory

The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-Ray Observatory (HAWC) continuously detects TeV photons and particles within its large field-of-view, accumulating every day a deeper exposure of two thirds of the sky. We analyzed 1523~days of HAWC live data acquired over four and a half years, in a follow-up analysis of {138} nearby ($z<0.3$) active galactic nuclei from the {\em Fermi} 3FHL catalog culminating within $40^\circ$ of the zenith at Sierra Negra, the HAWC site. This search for persistent TeV emission used a maximum-likelihood analysis assuming intrinsic power-law spectra attenuated by pair production of gamma-ray photons with the extragalactic background light. HAWC clearly detects persi…

research product

3HWC: The Third HAWC Catalog of Very-High-Energy Gamma-ray Sources

We present a new catalog of TeV gamma-ray sources using 1523 days of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory. The catalog represents the most sensitive survey of the Northern gamma-ray sky at energies above several TeV, with three times the exposure compared to the previous HAWC catalog, 2HWC. We report 65 sources detected at $\geq$ 5 sigma significance, along with the positions and spectral fits for each source. The catalog contains eight sources that have no counterpart in the 2HWC catalog, but are within $1^\circ$ of previously detected TeV emitters, and twenty sources that are more than $1^\circ$ away from any previously detected TeV source. Of these twenty new so…

research product