Luis Naval-gías
Vertical distraction osteogenesis of a free vascularized fibula flap in a reconstructed hemimandible for mandibular reconstruction and optimization of the implant prosthetic rehabilitation. Report of a case.
Free vascularized fibular flap is considered the treatment of choice in mandibular reconstruction for extensive bone defects (over 6 centimeters) resulting from trauma, infections or tumor resections. But, when the reconstruction involves a dentate mandible, the fibula has the limit as it does not offer sufficient bone height to restore the alveolar arch up to the occlusal plane. Therefore, the deficiency in bone height makes implant placement impractical. We report a case of vertical distraction osteogenesis of a free vascularized fibula flap used to reconstruct a hemimandible after resection of an odontogenic myxoma, for optimization of the implant prosthetic rehabilitation. The distracti…
Pathological mandibular fracture: a severe complication of periimplantitis
Nowadays, dental implant treatment is a very common option for patients even in medical compromised conditons. Some complications related to them have been described. Periimplantitis (PI) is one of the biggest concerns complications of these kind of treatments, probably has a multifactorial aethiology. Usually the consequences of PI are the loss of the implants and prostheses, expenses of money and time for dentists and patients. Very often PI implies the necesity of repeating the treatment . Pathological mandibular fracture due to PI is a severe but infrequent complication after dental implant treatment, especially after PI. In this study we present three cases of mandibular pathologic fra…