Potential allelopathic activity ofSideritis italica(Miller) Greuter et Burdet essential oil
Sideritis italica (Miller) Greuter et Burdet is a widespread Mediterranean Lamiacea. Essential oils from S. italica flowerheads and leaves were extracted by hydrodistillation and then tested for their potential allelopathic activity against Raphanus sativus L. (Magnoliophyta) and the moss Tortula muralis (Hedw.) (Bryophyta), two organisms already tested for allelopathy, and against two bryophytes growing in the same environment as S. italica: the moss Bryum capillare Hedw. and the liverwort Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dum. For R. sativus, we considered seed germination and root and epicotyl growth. For the mosses, we used spore germination and protonemata development, while for the liverwort, w…