Elastic scattering studies of 16C at 50 MeV/A on proton and deuteron targets with the CHIMERA multidetector at INFN-LNS
At the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania (Italy), light radioactive ion beams have been produced through the In Flight Fragmentation method, using 18O and 13C at 55 MeV/A as primary beams impinging on a 9Be production target. Elastic scattering angular distributions of 16C+p and 16C+d at 50 MeV/A, 10Be+p at 56 MeV/A and 13B+d at 52 MeV/A systems were measured by using the CHIMERA (Charge Heavy Ion Mass and Energy Resolving Array) multidetector and kinematical coincidence technique. The experimental data are fitted by using the optical model. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.