Yoann Moline
Vers une architecture électronique unifiée et zéro temps mort pour l'instrumentation nucléaire
International audience; Dans l'instrumentation nucléaire, et d'autres domaines tels que les applications de la physique des particules, l'analyse de signaux médicaux (Tomographie par Émission de Positons (TEP), Électro-EncéphaloGraphie (EEG)) ou la détection de signaux radar, le signal mesuré est composé d'impulsions dont la date d'arrivée est aléatoire, et dont l'amplitude et la durée sont non déterministes. La grande variété d'applications nécessite de disposer d'une architecture flexible pouvant être aisément reprogrammée. De plus, l'exigence de mesures en temps réel impose de disposer d'une grande capacité de calcul et de bande passante pour la mise en forme et l'extraction des caractér…
Auto-Adaptive Trigger and Pulse Extraction for Digital Processing in Nuclear Instrumentation
International audience; This paper presents a novel auto-adaptive method for pulse triggering and extraction. Pulse triggering uses a threshold that must be placed as close as possible to the noise level. We do this by means of an adaptive threshold level based on real-time noise level estimation. A dynamic estimation of the pulse length is also used for pulse selection. The proposed approach is largely insensitive to noise and enables autonomous extraction of pulses regardless of their shape, height or length. The proposed approach can be used with numerous types of detectors from an analog-to-digital converter, and can be used in conjunction with various pulse processing techniques such a…
Une architecture programmable de traitement des impulsions zéro-temps mort pour l'instrumentation nucléaire
In the field of nuclear instrumentation, digital signal processing architectures have to deal with the poissonian characteristic of the signal, composed of random arrival pulses which requires current architectures to work in dataflow. Thus, the real-time needs implies losing pulses when the pulse rate is too high. Current architectures paralyze the acquisition of the signal during the pulse processing inducing a time during no signal can be processed, this is called the dead time. These issue have led current architectures to use dedicated solutions based on reconfigurable components such as FPGAs. The requirement of end users to implement a wide range of applications on a large number of …