Leonora Pahirko

Nitric oxide metabolism is impaired by type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy

Diabetes leads to reduced nitric oxide bioavailability, resulting in endothelial dysfunction. However, overproduction of nitric oxide due to hyperglycaemia is associated with oxidative stress and tissue damage. The objective of this study was to characterise nitric oxide production (NO) and added nitrite and nitrate (NO(2)(-)+NO(3)(-)) concentration in the blood and urine of patients with and without diabetic nephropathy. A total of 268 patients with type 1 diabetes and 69 healthy subjects were included. Diabetic nephropathy was defined as macroalbuminuria and/or estimated glomerular filtration rate below 60 ml/min/1.73 cm(2). NO(2)(-)+NO(3)(-) concentration was measured by Griess reaction.…

research product

Empīriskās ticamības funkcija ar novērtētiem parametriem

Darbs veltīts empīriskās ticamības funkcijas metodei, kas ir viena no populārākajām neparametriskās statistikas metodēm. Galvenais uzsvars likts uz empīriskās ticamības funkcijas metodes vispārinājumu, kas iegūts 2009.gadā, lai atļautu traucējošo parametru klātbūtni novērtējošajās funkcijās un noskaidrotu šīs metodes robežsadalījumu, kad parametri tiek novērtēti. Darbā apskatīta metode gan vienas izlases, gan divu izlašu gadījumā, ko definējis J.Valeinis savā doktora disertācijā, kā arī tiek piedāvāti dažādi metodes pielietojumi. Empīriskās ticamības funkcijas metode ar novērtētiem parametriem vienas izlases gadījumā implementēta datorprogrammā R un teorētiskie rezultāti pielietoti reālu da…

research product

Angiopoietin 2 and Neuropeptide Y are Associated with Diabetic Kidney Disease in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Abstract Background Serum angiopoietin 2 levels have been associated with endothelial dysfunction and diabetic kidney disease. Derangements in autonomous nervous system lead to increased production of vasoconstrictory and angiogenic mediators such as norepinephrine and neuropeptide Y and are associated with increased risk of microvascular complications. Aim To investigate associations between angiopoietin 2, neuropeptide Y and diabetic kidney disease in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods 289 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus duration > 1 year were included. Patients were stratified according to presence of diabetic nephropathy (macroalbuminuria, estimated glomerular fil…

research product

Achievement of treatment targets predicts progression of vascular complications in type 1 diabetes.

Abstract Background and aim To study the association between achievement of guideline-defined treatment targets on HbA1c, low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C), and blood pressure with the progression of diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods The study included 355 patients at baseline and 114 patients with follow-up data after 3–5 years. Outcome variables were the progression of diabetic kidney disease, retinopathy, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). We used logistic regression and other machine learning algorithms (MLA) to model the association of achievement of treatment targets and probability of progression of complications. Results Achievement of the target bl…

research product

DNA damage in leukocytes and serum nitrite concentration are negatively associated in type 1 diabetes.

Abstract Chronic hyperglycaemia leads to DNA damage in diabetes and might be associated with nitrosative stress. In this study, we aimed at assessing the level of DNA strand breaks in leukocytes, serum nitrite and nitrate in patients with type 1 diabetes and healthy controls and associations of these parameters with diabetes-related outcomes in a prospective study. The level of DNA damage was determined in 71 patients with type 1 diabetes and 57 healthy controls by comet assay and scored with arbitrary units (AU). The chemiluminescence method was used to measure nitrite and nitrate. Clinical information and data on consumption of alcohol, physical activity and smoking were collected. Progre…

research product

Impact of interval walking training managed through smart mobile devices on albuminuria and leptin/adiponectin ratio in patients with type 2 diabetes

Abstract Background Interval walking training has demonstrated more pronounced positive effects on physical fitness and metabolism in type 2 diabetes (T2D), compared to continuous walking. One of the pathogenic mechanisms of T2D is associated with derangements in leptin/adiponectin axis, which might predispose affected individuals to vascular inflammation and albuminuria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of interval walking training delivered through smart mobile devices upon albuminuria and leptin/adiponectin ratio in patients with T2D. Methods Patients with T2D aged 35–75 were randomized into control (n = 26) and interval training (IT, n = 14) groups. Patients in IT gr…

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