Rita Passantino
Role of K-RAS and P53 Gene in Salivary Glands Tumorigenesis
Sudden infant death caused by a ruptured coronary aneurysm during acute phase of atypical Kawasaki disease
This article describe's a case of atypical Kawasaki disease (AKD) with lack of typical clinical signs and rapid fatal course in a 2-month-old infant, who 1 week before hospitalization demonstrated rhinitis, coughing without fever, and later conjunctival hyperemia and allergic exanthema on chest and arms. On admittance, labwork highlighted the following: leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, elevated sedimentation rate, and positive C-reactive protein. General conditions remained mediocre for 7 days until sudden death occurred. The autopsy confirmed death caused by cardiac tamponade caused by a ruptured inflammated aneurysm of the left anterior descending coronary artery. We believe that the current…
Arrhythmic sudden cardiac death in a 3-year-old child with intimal fibroplasia of coronary arteries, aorta, and its branches
Abstract We report an unusual case of “arrhythmic” sudden cardiac death in a 3-year-old child who died of ischemic myocardial lesions as a result of intimal fibroplasia of the coronary arteries. Also affected were the aorta and its major branches, whereas renal and mesenteric arteries, celiac trunk, and systemic veins were normal. Histopathologic examination showed severe concentric thickening of intima because of a proliferation of spindle-shaped cells (mesenchymal cells) set in an abundant extracellular matrix. In some vascular segments the intima was densely fibrotic and hyalinized. No significant inflammation, foam cells, cholesterol clefts, or other evidence of atheroma were present. T…
Analysis of Ki-ras mutations in stage I rectal carcinomas and respective regional lymphonodes
Laser Pressure Catapulting (LPC): Optimization LPC-System and Genotyping of Colorectal Carcinomas
Genotype analysis is becoming more and more useful in clinical practice, since specific mutations in tumors often correlate with prognosis and/or therapeutic response. Unfortunately, current molecular analytical techniques often require time-consuming and costly steps of analysis, thus making their routine clinical use difficult. Moreover, one of the most difficult problems arising during tumor research is that of their cell heterogeneity, which depends on their clear molecular heterogeneity. SSCP analysis discriminates by means of aberrant electrophoresis migration bands, mutated alleles which may represent as little as 15-20% of their total number. Nevertheless, in order to identify by se…
Carcinoma ereditario dell'ovaio (Ereditary Ovarian Cancer)
TP53 and p16INK4A, but not H-KI-Ras, are involved in tumorigenesis and progression of pleomorphic adenomas.
The putative role of TP53 and p16INK4A tumor suppressor genes and Ras oncogenes in the development and progression of salivary gland neoplasias was studied in 28 cases of pleomorphic adenomas (PA), 4 cases of cystic adenocarcinomas, and 1 case of carcinoma ex-PA. Genetic and epigenetic alterations in the above genes were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction/Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism (PCR/SSCP) and sequencing and by Methylation Specific-PCR (MS-PCR). Mutations in TP53 were found in 14% (4/28) of PAs and in 60% (3/5) of carcinomas. Mutations in H-Ras and K-Ras were identified in4%(1/28) and7% (2/28) of PAs, respectively. Only 20% (1/5) of carcinomas screened displayed mutatio…
Transcriptional analysis of the biosynthetic gene cluster encoding the glycopeptide antibiotic A40926
TP53 mutations and S-Phase fraction are independent prognostic indicators in locally advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Larynx tumor is a rare neoplasia that represent only the 2% of all human tumor. In particular, the 90% of tumor that occur in this organ correspond to the laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). From the biomolecular point of view, it was shown that the TP53 gene mutations are the most common events observed in the early phases of LSCC carcinogenesis. However, them prognostic significance remains controversial. Besides, the prognostic significance of DNA ploidy has been well established for other solid tumors, but its role in LSCC is still controversial. The aim of this study was, therefore, to prospectively evaluate the prognostic significance of TP53 mutations, DNA-ploidy and S-phase fr…