Agustin Molina
Influence of nutritional variables on the onset of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants: A case-control study.
• Minimal enteral feeding should be early initiated and prolonged for at least 5–7 days in the most immature newborn.
La validación del clima de justicia y de la justicia entre compañeros en un entorno real de trabajo
Abstract In this study we tested the validity of justice climate and peer justice, measured as second-order constructs, in a real work setting. First, we investigated the appropriateness of aggregating first-order facets of justice climate and peer justice to work-unit level of analysis. Second, we examined the construct validity of justice climate and peer justice as two different factor structures. Third, we tested the hierarchical structure of justice climate and peer justice as second-order factors. Finally, we examined the predictive validity of second-order factors justice climate and peer justice within a nomological network composed of reciprocity with the supervisor and reciprocity…