The spreading of the invasive italian wall lizard on Vulcano, the last island inhabited by the critically endangered aeolian wall lizard
[EN] The Aeolian Wall Lizard (Podarcis raffoneae) is an endemic species of the Aeolian Archipelago of Italy (Mediterranean Sea). Its distribution is limited to three islets and two relict populations on a relatively large island: Vulcano (a population on the summit of Gran Cratere volcano and another on Capo Grosso promontory). The critically endangered Aeolian Wall Lizard is threatened by the introduction of the Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis siculus), which successfully competes and hybridizes with the endemic lizard. The invasive lizard is widespread on Vulcano, although the literature does not provide the exact distribution. Our first aim was updating the distribution of the Italian Wall…