E. Hazart

Maintenir le plaisir à manger chez les personnes âgées dépendantes à risque de dénutrition : validation d’une échelle de mesure de l’appréciation auprès de cette population

Introduction et but de l'étudeUne “bonne” alimentation est considérée comme l’un des facteurs clefs contribuant à la prévention des pathologies survenant avec l’âge. Mais une “bonne” alimentation, ce n’est pas uniquement satisfaire aux besoins nutritionnels de la population âgée. C’est aussi maintenir le plaisir à manger, composante essentielle de la régulation de la prise alimentaire et plus généralement du bien-être et de la qualité de vie (Grunert et al, 2007). Lors d’une enquête menée auprès de personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans, nous avons interrogé 289 personnes vivant à domicile sans aide et 95 personnes vivant en Établissement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes (EHPAD). Les résultats o…

research product

Does oral health affect food comfortability and bolus properties during consumption of dairy products in elderly population?

The elderly population is growing increasingly. In 2030, 1/3 of the population will be over 60 years old. However this population has specific nutritional needs and often, oral impairments such as loss of tooth and/or decrease of salivary flow. Therefore it is necessary to develop foods adapted for the elderly, in terms of organoleptic properties and nutritional composition. In this context, the purpose of this work is to study the impact of oral impairments of elderly persons on food comfortability and bolus properties during the consumption of dairy products.76 elderly persons (ages 66 to 88, 42 women and 34 men), with or without oral health problems in terms of dental and/or salivary sta…

research product

Does oral health affect food comfortability and bolus properties during consumption of dairy products in elderly population?

The elderly population is growing increasingly. In 2030, 1/3 of the population will be over 60 years old. However this population has specific nutritional needs and often, oral impairments such as loss of tooth and/or decrease of salivary flow. Therefore it is necessary to develop foods adapted for the elderly, in terms of organoleptic properties and nutritional composition. In this context, the purpose of this work is to study the impact of oral impairments of elderly persons on food comfortability and bolus properties during the consumption of dairy products.76 elderly persons (ages 66 to 88, 42 women and 34 men), with or without oral health problems in terms of dental and/or salivary sta…

research product