Avelino Vicente Montesinos
LHC phenomenology of the mu nu SSM
The $\mu\nu$SSM has been proposed to solve simultaneously the $\mu$-problem of the MSSM and explain current neutrino data. The model breaks lepton number as well as R-parity. In this paper we study the phenomenology of this proposal concentrating on neutrino masses and the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). At first we investigate in detail the $\mu\nu$SSM with one generation of singlets, which can explain all neutrino data, once 1-loop corrections are taken into account. Then we study variations of the model with more singlets, which can generate all neutrino masses and mixings at tree-level. We calculate the decay properties of the lightest supersymmetric particle, assum…
Enhancing l(i) -> 3l(j) with the Z(0)-penguin
Lepton flavor violation has been observed in neutrino oscillations. For charged lepton flavor violation decays only upper limits are known, but sizable branching ratios are expected in many neutrino mass models. High-scale models, such as the classical supersymmetric seesaw, usually predict that decays l(i) -> 3l(j) are roughly a factor alpha smaller than the corresponding decays l(i) -> l(j)gamma. Here we demonstrate that the Z(0)-penguin diagram can give an enhancement for decays l(i) -> 3l(j) in many extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We first discuss why the Z(0)-penguin is not dominant in the MSSM with seesaw and show that much larger contributions from the…
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology (FLASY12)
These are the proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology, held 30 June 2012 - 4 July 2012, Dortmund, Germany.
Apunts del curs Càlcul I del grau de física
El document forma part dels materials docents elaborats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València Apunts del curs Càlcul I del primer curs del Grau de Física. El contingut principal del curs és càlcul diferencial i integral en una variable, però també conté una introducció al càlcul en diverses variables