J.m. González-donoso
Rectilinear evolution in arvicoline rodents and numerical dating of Iberian Early Pleistocene sites
Abstract Lozano-Fernandez et al. (2013a) have recently published a method intended for numerical dating of Early Pleistocene sites, which is based on the assumption of uniform, constant rate increase through time of mean lower molar tooth length of water voles ( Mimomys savini ) in a number of levels sampled in the stratigraphic sequence of Atapuerca TD site. They suggest that the regression equation obtained in this local section for site chronology on tooth size could be useful for estimating the numerical age of other localities from southwestern Europe. However, in our opinion this biostratigraphic approach has severe conceptual and methodological problems, which discourage its use as a…
The Albian (Vraconnian)-Cenomanian boundary at the western Tethyan margins (Central Tunisia and southeastern France).
AbstractThrough the description and interpretation of the position of macro- and microfossils in several sections of the Albian-Cenomanian boundary in SE France and Central Tunisia, a comparison is made between the north and south margins of the Tethyan Ocean by using the occurrences of marker bioevents. For the planktonic foraminifera, the criterions applicable for the accurate determination of Thalmanninella globotruncanoides (Sigal) – the marker species for the base of the Cenomanian stage – are discussed. The species Th. globotruncanoides and the intermediate forms with its ancestor Th. caroni (Ion) are illustrated. For the ammonites, two subjects are new. Firstly, the species Stoliczka…