Thomas Lange
Neural correlates of interference inhibition, action withholding and action cancelation in adult ADHD
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is marked by inhibitory and attentional deficits which can persist into adulthood. Those deficits have been associated with dysfunctional fronto-striatal and fronto-parietal circuits. The present study sought to delineate neural correlates of component specific inhibitory deficits in adult ADHD using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 20 adult ADHD patients and 24 matched healthy controls were included. Brain activation was assessed during three stages of behavioral inhibition, i.e. interference inhibition (Simon task), action withholding (Go/no-go task) and action cancelation (Stop-signal task). Behaviorally, ADHD patients were aff…
Disentangling common and specific neural subprocesses of response inhibition.
article i nfo Response inhibition is disturbed in several disorders sharing impulse control deficits as a core symptom. Since response inhibition is a cognitively and neurally multifaceted function which has been shown to rely on differing neural subprocesses and neurotransmitter systems, further differentiation to define neurophys- iological endophenotypes is essential. Response inhibition may involve at least three separable cognitive sub- components, i.e. interference inhibition, action withholding, and action cancelation. Here, we introduce a novel paradigm - the Hybrid Response Inhibition task - to disentangle interference inhibition, action withholding and action cancelation and their…