D Ottonello
Lulwoana sp., a dark septate endophyte (DSE) in roots of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile seagrass
Posidonia oceanica is the most common, widespread and important monocotyledon seagrass in the Mediterranean Basin, and hosts a large biodiversity of species, including microorganisms with key roles in the marine environment. In this study, we ascertain the presence of a fungal endophyte in the roots of P. oceanica growing on different substrata (rock, sand and matte) in two Sicilian marine meadows. Staining techniques on root fragments and sections, in combination with microscope observations, were used to visualise the fungal presence and determine the percentage of fungal colonisation (FC) in this tissue. In root fragments, statistical analysis of the FC showed a higher mean in roots anch…
Distribution and biology of the Blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea)
The Blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque, 1810 (Carcharhiniformes; Scyliorhinidae), is a common, although at present discarded, by- catch of the bottom trawl fisheries in the Strait of Sicily. Given its ecological interest, data gathered in experimental bottom trawl surveys were analysed in order to describe its distribution and main biological traits. The Blackmouth catshark was sampled almost exclusively on the upper slope (200-800), showing the highest frequency of occurrence (69-100%), biomass (BI; 10-85 kg*km-2) and density (DI; 54-506 N*km-2) indexes in the deeper (501-800m) grounds. Individual size (total length, TL, mm) were between 70-590 and 90-510 in females and mal…
Rare-earth elements and yttrium distributions in mangrove coastal water systems: The western Gulf of Thailand
The concentration of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) was investigated in dissolved phase, suspended particulate matter, and seafloor sediments of the western coastal area of the Gulf of Thailand. The samples show Eu and Gd positive anomalies in the shale-normalized REY patterns, especially in the suspended particulate matter. On the other hand, a very high REE content was detected in the coastal waters, probably due to the weathering produced by the Mae Klong river waters on rare-earth element (REE)-rich accessory minerals coming from terrains and mineral deposits cropping out in the studied area. The shale-normalized patterns of yttrium and REE estimated for the dissolved phase show …
Heavy metals in coastal water systems. A case study from the northwestern Gulf of Thailand.
A geochemical survey of the northwestern part of the Thailand Gulf (Inner Gulf) was carried out in order to define concentrations and distribution patterns of selected heavy metals (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and U) in the coastal system and estuarine area of the Mae Klong river. The results indicate the presence of two different sources of heavy metals in the studied environment and allowed us to identify a lithogenic component that significantly influences the composition of coastal waters and suspended particulate matter (SPM). Comparison of the normalized heavy metals concentrations both in the studied samples and in those reported for the Sn–W ores present in the surrounding areas suggests…