Otto Kauhanen
Assisting immersive virtual reality development with user experience design approach
In our study we explored how to design a biography of a late Finnish artist as a VR experience. We conducted a development process assisted by user experience (UX) design methods, which increased the process efficiency, and resulted in a research prototype. Through previous research and our development process, we identified components affecting the user experience. These components are: Immersion, Presence, Disorientation, Sense of Control, Pleasantness, Exploration and Simulator Sickness. From our user study with 13 participants, we were able to draw implications that relate to these components. While the set of components could be incomplete or subject to change, shows that further resea…
The hierarchy of needs for user experiences in virtual reality
Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly becoming more widely adopted by various industries, and virtual content is just as rapidly becoming available for consumers. However, there is a lack of guidelines and standards for VR content to be held to in terms of experiential design. Because VR is a relatively new media form for consumers, there is a high risk of user attrition due to the novelty of the service. Therefore, if the first experience of the technology is with poorly made content, users will be much less likely to use VR again. Therefore, as various industries and organizations digitalize and adopt emerging technology such as VR, great care should be given to the way the virtual content and …