C. Bennhold
Eta photoproduction from nuclei
Low-energy eta photoproduction from complex nuclei is investigated in a distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA) framework carried out in momentum spaces. The elementary operator is fixed by the hadronic reactions πN→πN, πN→ππN and π−p→ηn as well as the process γN→πN to constrain the electromagnetic vertex. The resonances S11(1535), P11(1440) and D13(I520) are used to generate s-, p- and d-wave interactions. This coupled channels approach fulfils unitarity and allows the prediction of γp→ηp cross sections. The η final state interaction has been included via a simple optical potential using the ηN t-matrix as an input. We find that coherent eta production is dominated by the D13(1520) iso…
K+Λ photoproduction amplitudes incorporating absorptive effects and hypernuclear formation
Incorporating final-state absorptive effects, we have reexamined the γp→K+Λ elementary process to obtain amplitudes which are used for describing photoproduction of hypernuclei. Our model not only resolves the persisting trouble of the small KNΛ coupling constant, but also yields agreement with cross-section data at higher energies. Using our amplitudes, we calculate angular distributions for the reaction16O(γ, K+)Λ16N. While the forward cross-section increases with increasing energy, the total cross-section is found to remain almost constant fromEγ=1.2 GeV through 2 GeV, which suggests that rather low photon energies hold promise for exploration of hypernuclear excitations.
Radiative kaon capture on nuclei.
Hypernuclear formation through the radiative capture of in-flight ${\mathit{K}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$ is studied in a distorted wave impluse approximation approach. The elementary operator is obtained from first-order Feynman diagrams and is constrained by the reactions ${\mathit{K}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\Lambda}\ensuremath{\gamma} and, via crossing, by \ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}${\mathit{K}}^{+}$\ensuremath{\Lambda}. The ${\mathit{K}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$ distortion has been included via a simple optical potential which is in agreement with ${\mathit{K}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$ elastic scattering on nuclei. Using the…
Two-body Mechanisms in Pion Scattering and Pion Photoproduction on the Trinucleon
A breakdown of the Impulse Approximation is studied in pion photoproduction and pion charge exchange on 3He at high momentum transfers. The usual DWIA formalism with Faddeev wave functions which works well for small momentum transfers deviates from experimental measurements by up to two orders of magnitude for Q 2 > 6 fm−2. It is found that the explicit inclusion of two-body mechanisms, where the photon or pion is absorbed on one nucleon and the pion is emitted from another nucleon removes most of the disagreement with the data.
Non-mesonic weak decay of A hypernuclei
Abstract The non-mesonic decay modes of Λ hypernuclei are examined. The one-nucleon induced decay (ΛN → NN) is studied in a shell-model framework using a meson-exchange picture. The total decay rates and parity-violating asymmetries reproduce the available experimental data. However, the model does not yet explain the partial rates and the resulting neutron- to proton-induced ratio Γ n /Γ p . The two-nucleon-induced decay rate (ΛNN -> NNN) is evaluated using the propagator formalism and the local-density approximation and is found to contribute about 15% to the total decay width of medium to heavy hypernuclei. The influence of this channel on the experimental determination of the ratio Γ n …
Chiral unitary approach to hadron spectroscopy
The s-wave meson-baryon interaction in the $S = -1$, $S= 0$ and $S= -2$ sectors is studied by means of coupled channels, using the lowest-order chiral Lagrangian and the N/D method or equivalently the Bethe-Salpeter equation to implement unitarity. This chiral approach leads to the dynamical generation of the $\Lambda (1405)$, $\Lambda(1670)$ and $\Sigma(1620)$ states for $S = -1$, the $N^*(1535)$ for $S= 0$ and the $\Xi(1620)$ for $S= -2$. We look for poles in the complex plane and extract the couplings of the resonances to the different final states. This allows identifying the $\Lambda (1405)$ and the $\Lambda(1670)$ resonances with $\bar{K}N$ and $K\Xi$ quasibound states, respectively. …
2p-shell admixtures in pion single charge exchange on 13C
Abstract The pion charge exchange process 13 C (π + , π 0 ) 13 N(gs) is calculated with an extended nuclear wave function for the A=13 system that includes configurations outside the 1p-shell. A small amount of 2p-shell admixtures leads to an improved description of the experimental excitation function. We also find a strong sensitivity of the differential cross sections as well as asymmetry to contributions from higher shells.
Erratum to: “Low lying S=−1 excited baryons and chiral symmetry”
Pion interaction with the trinucleon up to the eta production threshold
Pion elastic, charge exchange scattering and induced eta production on the trinucleon systems are investigated in a coupled-channels approach in momentum space with Fadeev wave functions. The channel $\pi N \rightarrow \eta N$ is included using an isobar model with S-, P-, and D-wave resonances. While the coherent reactions like $^3$He($\pi,\pi)^3$He can be reasonably well reproduced up to $T_{\pi}$=500 MeV, large discrepancies appear for the incoherent processes, $^3$He($\pi^-,\pi^0)^3$H and $^3$He($\pi^-,\eta)^3$H at backward angles and energies above $\Delta$-resonance. In the forward direction the $(\pi,\eta)$ calculations underestimate the experimental measurements very close to thresh…
Asymmetries in elastic scattering of 100 MeVπ+from a polarizedHe3target
We report the observation of a large asymmetry in the elastic scattering of 100 MeV {pi}{sup +} from a polarized {sup 3}He target. Measurements have been made at laboratory angles of 60{degree}, 80{degree}, and 100{degree}, with the largest value {ital A}{sub {ital y}}=0.89{plus minus}0.12 occurring at 80{degree}, near a cross-section minimum. This asymmetry is the largest observed to date in pion scattering from a spin-1/2 nucleus. The {ital A}{sub {ital y}} data are qualitatively reproduced by a schematic model; however, agreement with the data is significantly improved when realistic three-body Faddeev wave functions and a full nonlocal distorted-wave impulse approximation reaction model…
Dispersion relation analysis of neutral pion photoproduction and electroproduction at threshold
Neutral pion photoproduction and electroproduction at threshold is analyzed in the framework of dispersion relations. For this purpose, we evaluate the real threshold amplitudes in terms of Born contributions and dispersion integrals determined by the imaginary parts of the multipoles of the unitary isobar model (MAID) and the phenomenological partial-wave analysis (SAID). The results show considerable cancellations between Born terms and resonance contributions. Good agreement with the data is found for photoproduction. While our dispersion analysis suggests considerable discrepancies for electroproduction, the present state of the experimental multipole analysis at finite ${Q}^{2}$ does n…
Pion photoproduction on3He including final-state interaction
Coherent π0 and π+ photoproduction and elastic and charge-exchange pion scattering on3He has ben calculated in a consistent model. Realistic three-body Faddeev wave functions have been used and full nonlocal DWIA results for pion photoproduction are obtained. Furthermore, two-step processes such as3He(γ, π0)3He(π0, π+)3H are included giving rise to unexpected large results. The comparison with experimental data is very good over a wide range of photon energies and nuclear momentum transfers. A long-time discrepancy between previous impulse-approximation calculations and experimental data has been removed.
Low lying S=-1 excited baryons and chiral symmetry
The s-wave meson-baryon interaction in the $S = -1$ sector is studied by means of coupled-channels, using the lowest-order chiral Lagrangian and the N/D method to implement unitarity. The loops are regularized using dimensional renormalization. In addition to the previously studied $\Lambda (1405)$, employing this chiral approach leads to the dynamical generation of two more s-wave hyperon resonances, the $\Lambda(1670)$ and $\Sigma(1620)$ states. We make comparisons with experimental data and look for poles in the complex plane obtaining the couplings of the resonances to the different final states. This allows us to identify the $\Lambda (1405)$ and the $\Lambda(1670)$ resonances with $\b…
Chiral dynamics in systems with strangeness
In this talk a brief review of several problems involving systems with strangeness is made. In the first place one shows how the $\Lambda (1405)$, $\Lambda(1670)$ and $\Sigma(1620)$ states, for $S = -1$, and the $\Xi(1620)$ for $S= -2$ are generated dynamically in the context of unitarized chiral perturbation theory. The results for the $\bar{K}N$ interaction are then used to evaluate the $K^- d$ scattering length. Results obtained for the kaon selfenergy in a nuclear medium within this approach, with application to $K^-$ atoms, are also mentioned. Finally a few words are said about recent developments in the weak decay of $\Lambda$ hypernuclei and the puzzle of the $\Gamma_n/\Gamma_p$ rati…
Photo- and Electroproduction of Eta Mesons on Nucleons and Nuclei
Eta photo- and electroproduction off the nucleon is investigated in an approach that contains Born terms, vector meson and nucleon resonance contributions. In a comparison with the new Mainz data we find a large sensitivity on the elementary ηN N coupling. Our analysis results in a pseudoscalar ηN N coupling with a coupling constant of g ηN N 2 /4π=0.4. Furthermore, we also study coincidence cross sections for eta electroproduction and present calculations for structure functions and kinematical conditions that are most sensitive to the S 11(1535) and the D 13(1520) resonances. Finally, we show results on the inclusive eta photoproduction off complex nuclei with a very good agreement with r…
Absorptive effects inK+Λphotoproduction on nucleons and nuclei
Incorporating final state correlation effects, we have reinvestigated the ..gamma.. /sup 1/H..-->..K/sup +/..lambda.. elementary process. Our model not only resolves the persisting trouble of the small KN..lambda.. coupling constant, but also yields agreement with cross section data at higher energies. Using our amplitudes, we calculate angular distributions for the reaction /sup 16/O(..gamma..,K/sup +/)/sub ..lambda..//sup 16/N . While the forward cross section increases with increasing energy, the total cross section is almost constant from E/sub ..gamma../ = 1.2 GeV through 2 GeV, suggesting that rather low photon energies hold promise for exploration of hypernuclear excitations.
Dynamical generation of hyperon resonances
In this talk we report on how, using a chiral unitary approach for the meson--baryon interactions, two octets of $J^{\pi}=1/2^-$ baryon states and a singlet are generated dynamically, resulting in the case of strangeness $S=-1$ in two poles of the scattering matrix close to the nominal $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance. We suggest experiments which could show evidence for the existence of these states.
Relativistic multipole operators for semileptonic weak and electromagnetic nuclear reactions.
We discuss multipole operators that arise in a relativistic analysis ofsemileptonic weak and electromagnetic interactions with nuclei. Thesesingle-particle operators are evaluated between relativistic nucleon boundstates that are solutions to the Dirac equation with potentials of the formproduced by the sigma-..omega.. model. The reduced matrix elements aregiven in terms of easily programmable radial integrals and can be applied to anumber of reactions such as elastic and inelastic electron scattering, realphoton processes, ..beta.. decay, and charged lepton capture as well as moreexotic interactions such as charged and neutral current neutrino reactions. Asa specific example, we calculate …
The E0 transition in pion photoproduction and radiative pion capture on 13C
Abstract The E0 contribution of the reactions 13 C( γ , π − ) 13 N g.s. as well as 13 C( π + , γ ) 13 N g.s. has been calculated in an extended shell-model space using a nonlocal DWIA framework. A realistic shell-model wave function that includes configurations from the (2s, 1d) as well as the (2p, 1f) shells has been employed for the A = 13 system and leads to a significant suppression of the E0 transition. The large suppression can be understood in terms of the E0 radial integrals over the relevant single-particle densities. A variety of angular distributions demonstrates the good overall agreement with experimental data.
Higher nucleon resonances in exclusive(γ,πN)reactions on nuclei
We report calculations for exclusive pion photoproduction on nuclei beyond the first resonance region in the distorted wave impulse approximation. The elementary operator contains contributions from the resonances $P_{33}(1232)$, $P_{11}(1440)$, $D_{13}(1520)$, $D_{33}(1740)$, $S_{11}(1535)$, $S_{11}(1650)$, and $F_{15}(1680)$, in addition to the usual Born plus vector meson contributions. It gives a good description of single pion photoproduction data up to about 1.1 GeV. Final state interactions are incorporated via optical potentials and are found to be substantial in the coincidence cross sections, but insensitive to the photon asymmetry. Clear signatures of possible medium modification…
0+-0+transition in charged photopion reactions
In the near-threshold region for the (\ensuremath{\gamma},${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\pi}}}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$) reaction the spin-flip (Kroll-Ruderman) term dominates most nuclear reactions. The smaller non-spin-flip term is of considerable interest because it is very sensitive to the reaction dynamics and in particular to the \ensuremath{\Delta} channel, even in the near-threshold region. We propose to study the non-spin-flip term via the ${0}^{+}$\ensuremath{\rightarrow}${0}^{+}$ transition in the $^{14}\mathrm{C}$(\ensuremath{\gamma},${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\pi}}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$${)}^{14}$N reaction; the cross section is shown to be insensitive to the details of nuclear …
Electromagnetic production of polarization in hypernuclei.
The formation of polarized hypernuclei through kaon photoproduction is investigated in a distorted-wave impulse approximation approach. The polarization depends strongly on the model used to describe the elementary process. For one particular model and certain well populated states the amount of polarization may reach up to 50%. We present cross sections and polarizations for kaon photoproducton on $^{16}\mathrm{O}$, $^{28}\mathrm{Si}$, $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}$, and $^{89}\mathrm{Y}$ and demonstrate the sensitivity of polarization to distortion and nonlocal effects. More information on the elementary process is needed before the feasibility of such measurements can be established.
Beam-Helicity Asymmetries in Double-Charged-Pion Photoproduction on the Proton
Beam-helicity asymmetries for the two-pion-photoproduction reaction gamma + p --> p pi+ pi- have been studied for the first time in the resonance region for center-of-mass energies between 1.35 GeV and 2.30 GeV. The experiment was performed at Jefferson Lab with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer using circularly polarized tagged photons incident on an unpolarized hydrogen target. Beam-helicity-dependent angular distributions of the final-state particles were measured. The large cross-section asymmetries exhibit strong sensitivity to the kinematics and dynamics of the reaction. The data are compared with the results of various phenomenological model calculations, and show that these…
Kaon Photo- and Electroproduction on Nucleons
We extend previous models of kaon photo- and electroproduction in order to include all six isospin channels. It is found that the inclusion of the few available data for the reactions γp → K 0 Σ − in the fit leads to drastically reduced Born coupling constants g Λ and g Σ . The result suggests the need to include hadronic form factors in a gauge invariant fashion. It is also shown that the K 0 form factor can be seen in K 0 Λ electroproduction.
Elastic pion scattering on the deuteron in a multiple scattering model
Pion elastic scattering on deuterium is studied in the KMT multiple scattering approach developed in momentum space. Using a Paris wave function and the same methods and approximations as commonly used in pion scattering on heavier nuclei excellent agreement with differential cross section data is obtained for a wide range of pion energies. Only for $T_{\pi}>250$ MeV and very backward angles, discrepancies appear that are reminiscent of disagreements in pion scattering on $^3$He, $^3$H, and $^4$He. At low energies the second order corrections have been included. Polarization observables are studied in detail. While tensor analyzing powers are well reproduced, vector analyzing powers exhibit…
Constraints on Coupling Constants through Charged $\Sigma$ Photoproduction
The few available data for the reactions $\gamma p \rightarrow K^{0} \Sigma^{+}$ and $\gamma n \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{-}$ are compared to models developed for the processes $\gamma p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{0}$ and $\gamma p \rightarrow K^{+} \Lambda$. It is found that some of these phenomenological models overpredict the measurements by up to a factor of 100. Fitting the data for all of these reactions leads to drastically reduced Born coupling constants.
Photoproduction of the hypertriton
In the framework of the impulse approximation we study the photoproduction of the hypertriton $^3_{\Lambda}$H by using realistic $^3$He wave functions obtained as solutions of Faddeev equations with the Reid soft-core potential for different $^3_{\Lambda}$H wave functions. We obtain relatively small cross sections of the order of 1 nb. We also find that the influence of Fermi motion is important, while the effect of different off-shell assumptions on the cross section is not too significant.
Spin, parity and nature of the Xi(1620) resonance
Using a unitary extension of chiral perturbation theory with a lowest-order s -wave SU(3) chiral Lagrangian we study low-energy meson-baryon scattering in the strangeness S = − 2 sector. A scattering-matrix pole is found around 1605 MeV which corresponds to an s -wave Ξ resonance with J P = 1 / 2 − . We identify this resonance with the Ξ ( 1620 ) state, quoted by the Particle Data Group with I = 1 / 2 but with unknown spin and parity. The addition of the S = − 2 state to the recently computed Λ ( 1670 ) , Σ ( 1620 ) , and N ( 1535 ) states completes the octet of J P = 1 / 2 − resonances dynamically generated in this chiral unitary approach.
Analysis of resonance multipoles from polarization observables in eta photoproduction
A combined analysis of new eta photoproduction data for total and differential cross sections, target asymmetry and photon asymmetry is presented. Using a few reasonable assumptions we perform the first model-independent analysis of the E0+, E2- and M2- eta photoproduction multipoles. Making use of the well-known A3/2 helicity amplitude of the D13(1520) state we extract its branching ratio to the eta-N channel, Gamma(eta,N)/Gamma = (0.08 +- 0.01)%. At higher energies, we show that the photon asymmetry is extremely sensitive to small multipoles that are excited by photons in the helicity 3/2 state. The new GRAAL photon asymmetry data at higher energy show a clear signal of the F15(1680) exci…
Pion Scattering and Pion Photoproduction on 3He
Using realistic 3-body Faddeev wave functions π± scattering and π+ photoproduction on 3He have been calculated in a consistent model. We demonstrate that at T π ≤ 180MeV polarization observables in pion scattering contain very little information about nuclear structure and can be understood in terms of free πN amplitudes. At higher energies the sign-flip of the asymmetry A y offers a new possibility to study higher-order effects of pion nuclear interaction. In pion photoproduction we find that two-step processes such as 3 He(γ, π°)3 He(π°, π+)3 H give rise to unexpected large contributions to the differential crosssection as well as to γ-asymmetry and with this improved a long time discrepa…
Coherent and incoherent η-photoproduction from nuclei
Abstract Elastic and inelastic η-photoproduction from complex nuclei is studied in a distorted-wave impulse approximation (DWIA) framework. The elementary operator is obtained by using a dynamical model which employs the reactions π N→ π N, π N→ ππ N and π − p→ η n to fix the hadronic vertex as well as the isobar propagators and the process γ N→ π N to constrain the electromagnetic vertex. The nuclear structure input for the inelastic transitions has been extracted from electron-scattering form factors. The η final-state interaction has been included via a simple optical potential using the ηN t -matrix as an input. We find that coherent η-production is dominated by the D 13 (1520) isobar w…
Low-lying resonances from chiral unitary dynamics
Abstract The s-wave meson-baryon interaction is studied using the lowest-order chiral lagrangian in a unitary coupled-channels Bethe-Salpeter equation. The resonances belonging to the low-lying J P = 1 2 − octet, the N (1535), Λ(1620) and Ξ(1620), together with the Λ(1405) singlet, are generated dynamically through multiple meson-baryon scattering. The Λ(1405) appears as a mixture of K N and πΣ quasibond states, while the Λ(1670) is a K Ξ quasibond state. Arguments are given to assigne J P = 1 2 − to the unmeasured spin and parity of the Ξ(1620).
Electromagnetic Production of the Hypertriton
Kaon photoproduction on He3, gamma + He3 --> K+ + Hypertriton, is studied in the framework of the impulse approximation. Realistic He3 wave functions obtained as solutions of Faddeev equations with the Reid soft-core potential are used along with different Hypertriton wave functions. Results are compared for several elementary operator models, which can successfully describe the elementary kaon production off the proton up to a photon lab energy of k = 2.2 GeV. It is found that the corresponding cross sections are small, of the order of several nanobarns. It is also shown that the influence of Fermi motion is important, while the effect of different off-shell assumptions on the cross sec…
The asymmetry in π−3He scattering
Abstract We show that the π + − 3 He asymmetry data obtained in a recent TRIUMF experiment at T π = 100 MeV can be understood in terms of the elementary π N amplitudes. Through a comparison to a full optical-potential calculation that employs realistic Faddeev wave functions for the trinucleon we show that all nuclear-structure dependence cancels for A y at lower energies. At higher pion energies around the Δ-resonance region the sign flip of A y offers the possibility of extracting information about the smaller partial waves.