Andris Andrushaitis
Influence of Nutrients and Mixing on the Primary Production and Community Respiration in the Gulf of Riga
Abstract Rates of plankton community production and respiration in relation to wind, solar radiation, biomass and nutrients were measured in the mixed layer during a late spring, a mid-summer and an early autumn situation in the Gulf of Riga. System metabolism was estimated by the in vitro oxygen method and from oxygen mass balance directly in the water. Gross production (GPP) remained fairly stable throughout the investigation periods with a mean of 1.8 g C m−2 day−1 (range: 0.5–3.9 g C m−2 day−1). Community respiration varied from 0.5 to 6.4 g C m−2 day−1 during the two summer studies (the high respiration rates ranging from 3.0 to 10.4 g C m−2 day−1 found during the autumn cruise were pr…
The role of inorganic and organic nutrients on the development of phytoplankton along a transect from the Daugava River mouth to the Open Baltic, in spring and summer 1999
Abstract The importance of dissolved silicate (DSi), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), phosphate and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) on algal growth is analysed for the Gulf of Riga and the adjacent open Baltic Sea. The results of three cruises (May, June, and July, 1999) along a transect across the Gulf of Riga from the entrance to the Daugava River to the open Baltic are presented. Nutrient-limitation was identified on the basis of available nutrient concentrations and stoichiometric analysis. In spring, phosphate appeared to be the algal-growth-potential-limiting nutrient at the entrance of the Daugava River, DSi in the central Gulf, and DIN at the …