K. Vuorio
The second life of terrestrial and plastic carbon as nutritionally valuable food for aquatic consumers
Primary production is the basis for energy and biomolecule flow in food webs. Nutritional importance of terrestrial and plastic carbon via mixotrophic algae to upper trophic level is poorly studied. We explored this question by analysing the contribution of osmo- and phagomixotrophic species in boreal lakes and used 13C-labelled materials and compound-specific isotopes to determine biochemical fate of carbon backbone of leaves, lignin–hemicellulose and polystyrene at four-trophic level experiment. Microbes prepared similar amounts of amino acids from leaves and lignin, but four times more membrane lipids from lignin than leaves, and much less from polystyrene. Mixotrophic algae (Cryptomonas…
Integrated Treatment Model for First-Contact Patients with a Schizophrenia-Type Psychosis: The Finnish API Project
This paper presents the background, rationale, set-up and first results of the Finnish API study, whose aim was to investigate the use of a psychotherapeutically oriented and familycentred treatment model for acute psychosis in different treatment settings, and especially the role of neuroleptic drug treatment when working along the principles of the integrated treatment model. Six psychiatric catchment areas from different parts of the country participated by collecting a material of 136 first-contact patients with a schizophrenia-type psychosis. More than half of the patients received a formal diagnosis from the schizophrenia group at the initial examination, and more than one-third a dia…