Impact of water stress on plant water relations, growth and mycorhization of Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana: Interactions of the stress severity and duration, and the AM fungal species.
Mycorrhizae are commonly reported to improve drought resistance of the host plant. Investigating factors controlling the plant-resistance strategy to water stress can however lead to a suitable management of mycorrhizal plants under drought. Here, we focused on the impact of interactions of the AM fungal species and water stress severity and duration on mycorrhizal Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana in terms of plant growth, mycorhization and water relations. We used three Glomus species, which were G. mosseae, G. deserticola and G. intraradices. We applied three watering regimes that were maximum water holding non-stress regime, mild-severe water stress and severe water stress. Measurements wer…