Thomas Krichel
Personal data in a large digital library
The RePEc Economics library offers the largest distributed source of freely downloadable scientific research reports in the world. RePEc also contains details about Economics institutions, publication outlets and people working in the field. All this data forms a large relational dataset. In this paper we describe HoPEc, a system that allows to implement access control records personal data within RePEc. The bulk of these records describe the authors of documents. These records are maintained by the authors themselves. We discuss the technical and social aspects of this system.
Evaluation of Inciso: A system for automatic elaboration of a Citation Index in Social Science Spanish Journal
We have developed a system that can elaborate a citation index in an automated way. It has been tested with Spanish journals. We need evaluate our system, mainly in effectiveness of the retrieval of citations. Criteria for evaluation of the system is presented and discussed, and the results of the application to our system are showed and analyzed.
Prepublicaciones: distribucion centralizada vs. descentralizada.
Prepublications are accounts of research results that are distributed prior to formal publication in scientific journals. They are the form of scholarly communication that has taken more advantage of the advances in telecommunication and information technologies. Their electronic distribution has taken a different form within the disciplines. In this paper we compare the decentralized model of Economies with the centralized model of Physics.<br><br>Las Prepublicaciones, borradores de trabajos distribuídos antes de su publicacion formal en revistas, han sido el proceso de comunicación científica que más se ha beneficiado de los avances en telecomunicaciones. Su distribución elect…