R. Rubio
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in 11 European Union Countries at the End of 2016 Overall and by Key Population: Have We Made Progress?
Abstract Background High uptake of antiretroviral treatment (ART) is essential to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission and related mortality; however, gaps in care exist. We aimed to construct the continuum of HIV care (CoC) in 2016 in 11 European Union (EU) countries, overall and by key population and sex. To estimate progress toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 target, we compared 2016 to 2013 estimates for the same countries, representing 73% of the population in the region. Methods A CoC with the following 4 stages was constructed: number of people living with HIV (PLHIV); proportion of PLHIV diagnosed; proportion of those diagnosed …
Histological and electron microscopical observations on the effects of lead on gills and midgut gland ofProcambarus clarkii
Adult intermolt specimen of Procambarus clarkii (Crustacea, Decapoda) have been treated for 96 hours in aquaria with 100mg/l of lead. The gills and midgut gland were processed and studied in the electron microscope. The gill filament shows important changes in the ultrastructure of the epithelial cells and the cuticle. The hepatopancreatic cells studied (i.e. the vacuolated and dark cells) do not show noticeable structural changes but accumulate lead (electrondense precipitates) mainly in lysosomes.