Guo-qing Liu
Case 3684Elasmostethus dorsalisJakovlev, 1876 (currentlyElasmucha dorsalis; Insecta, Heteroptera): proposed precedence overAcanthosoma vicinumUhler, 1861 (currentlyElasmucha vicina)
The purpose of this application, under Article 23.9.3 of the Code, is to conserve the widely used specific name Elasmucha dorsalis (Jakovlev, 1876) for a species of subsocial acanthosomatid bug from East Asia. The name is threatened by the senior subjective synonym Elasmucha vicina (Uhler, 1861), which has seldom been used since its first publication. Therefore, precedence of the name Elasmucha dorsalis (Jakovlev, 1876) is proposed.
A study on the genus Macroscytus Fieber, 1860 from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae)
Eight species of the genus Macroscytus Fieber, 1860 are reported from China. Among these is M. vietnamicus J.A. Lis, 1991, recorded for the first time from the country; moreover, the occurrence of M. badius (Walker, 1867) in its southern parts (Hainan Province) is confirmed. A key to the Chinese species of the genus is provided, along with habitus figures and illustrations of hind legs and the male genitalia. A phenomenon of instability in the cephalic chaetotaxy of M. aequalis (Walker, 1867), M. badius, M. popovi J.A. Lis, 1991, and M. vietnamicus J.A. Lis, 1994, are briefly discussed.
Geographic Distribution and Niche Divergence of Two Stinkbugs,Parastrachia japonensisandParastrachia nagaensis
Parastrachiidae is a small stinkbug family containing only one genus and two species, Parastrachia japonensis (Scott) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea) and Parastrachia nagaensis Distant. The geographic distribution of the genus has been poorly studied. Niche conservatism refers to that idea that closely related species are more ecologically similar than would be expected, whereas niche divergence predicts they occupy distinct niche spaces. The existence of only two species within one genus suggests niche conservatism or differentiation might exist among them. Herein, the distribution of the genus was mapped, potential distributions were predicted using ecological niche modeling, and …