N. Fernandez
Helicobacter pylori first-line and rescue treatments in patients allergic to penicillin: Experience from the European Registry on H pylori management (Hp-EuReg)
Background Experience in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment of patients allergic to penicillin is very scarce. A triple combination with a PPI, clarithromycin (C), and metronidazole (M) is often prescribed as the first option, although more recently the use of a quadruple therapy with PPI, bismuth (B), tetracycline (T), and M has been recommended. Aim To evaluate the efficacy and safety of first-line and rescue treatments in patients allergic to penicillin in the "European Registry of H pylori management" (Hp-EuReg). Methods A systematic prospective registry of the clinical practice of European gastroenterologists (27 countries, 300 investigators) on the management of H pylori infect…
Variation in somatic cell count, California mastitis test, and electrical conductivity among various fractions of ewe's milk.
Abstract Variation of three estimates of udder inflammation (SCC, California mastitis test, and electrical conductivity) among the foremilk, machine milk, and hand stripping samples were studied. Foremilk and hand stripping milks were taken from each individual teat; machine milk was taken from the entire udder. For this experiment a total of 30 Manchega ewes were subjected to machine milking during the 9th wk of lactation. Samples were taken in duplicate during two milkings on consecutive mornings. Significant differences were observed in the SCC and electrical conductivity, but not in California mastitis test, between foremilk and stripping milk The stripping fraction had higher SCC (70 ±…