Massimo Bertoncini
Smart multi-carrier energy system: Optimised energy management and investment analysis
This paper proposes an optimised Energy Management System for a multi-carrier hub, which integrates two energy distribution networks, for hydrogen and electricity. The economic sustainability of a real-life instantiation of such a system has been analysed as well. The Energy Management System has been developed by means of a multi-objective optimisation algorithm, the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, implemented using MATLAB®. The achieved results consist in a series of set-points defining the working conditions of the plant for a chosen time horizon. Data provided by this process also show the effectiveness of the adopted optimisation approach. The financial analysis is performe…
Mixed heuristic-non linear optimization of energy management for hydrogen storage-based multi carrier hubs
In this paper, an heuristic and non-linear programming based algorithm to optimally operate an energy hub plant is proposed. The energy hub plant described in this work is the test system for the European INGRID research project. The Energy Management System defines the optimal energy flows dispatch in order to obtain the energy balance and the maximum profit for the owner of the plant. The problem is highly constrained and non-linear, for this reason the methodology cannot rely on Linear Programming (LP) methods. The Energy Management System manages two energy carriers, electricity and hydrogen, interfacing three distribution networks: the electricity, the hydrogen and the methane networks…
A novel heuristics-based energy management system for a multi-carrier hub enriched with solid hydrogen storage
In this paper, an efficient optimization algorithm for the energy management of a grid-connected energy hub plant is proposed. The Simulated Annealing algorithm is adopted for the solution of the energy management problem aiming at the profit maximization for the owner of the energy hub plant. The use of a heuristic algorithm was required by the non-linearity of the efficiencies of each component in the energy transformation stages. The proposed heuristics is applied to a large energy hub, corresponding to the simulation of the test-bed that is being designed and developed inside the ongoing INGRID European research project.