Niko Koivumäki


Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus L. from UAS RGB Images Using a Deep One-Stage Object Detection Neural Network

Various biotic and abiotic stresses are causing decline in forest health globally. Presently, one of the major biotic stress agents in Europe is the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) which is increasingly causing widespread tree mortality in northern latitudes as a consequence of the warming climate. Remote sensing using unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) together with evolving machine learning techniques provide a powerful tool for fast-response monitoring of forest health. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of a deep one-stage object detection neural network in the detection of damage by I. typographus in Norway spruce trees using UAS RGB images. A Scaled…

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Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Using Drone Remote Sensing with Deep Neural Networks

Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by Academy of Finland ICT 2023 Smart‐HSI—“Smart hyper‐ spectral imaging solutions for new era in Earth and planetary observations” (Decision no. 335612), by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas, Pohjois‐ Savon Ely‐keskus (Grant no. 145346) and by the European Regional Development Fund for “Cyber‐ Grass I—Introduction to remote sensing and artificial intelligence assisted silage production” pro‐ ject (ID 20302863) in European Union Interreg Botnia‐Atlantica programme. This research was car‐ ried out in affiliation with the Academy of Finland Flagship “Forest‐Human‐Machine Interplay— Buildi…

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