Fernando Martinez Soto

Optimization of the Mix-Design System for the Sub-ballast Railroad

Bituminous sub-ballast is an alternative solution to the unbound granular sub-ballast used in the railway track due to several benefits that it can provide. Indeed, it contributes to maintain the moisture content in the subgrade unchanged during all year. This decreases the subgrade deterioration process. Moreover, the presence of bituminous sub-ballast can also reduce vertical stiffness variations on the track; it can have a positive effect in the maintenance needs at transition sections (bridge-embankment) and in the attenuation of the vibrations induced by the rail traffic. Despite the importance of the presence of the bituminous sub-ballast to conceive the construction and/or rehabilita…

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The more and more frequent use of recycled materials within the road and railway infrastructures is now an irreversible trend. In this area the use of Dry Asphalt Rubber Concrete (DARC) in sub-ballast layer seems to be a suitable technique to reach high mechanical and environmental performance even if such material should be analyzed over a long time horizon. This paper presents the results of experimental research focused on the resistance to fatigue of Dry Asphalt Rubber Concrete in sub-ballast layers; the survey has been carried out using four-point bending test (4pbt) on mixture samples with different rubber contents. The results of fatigue in DARC have been compared with the performanc…

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Characterization of rubberized asphalt for railway sub-ballast. Improvements in the mix-design, performance features and rational methodology of HMA_RUMAC blends for railways

(STR) can be incorporated into asphalt mixtures in two different methods, which are referred to as the wet-dry process. The blending of recycled rubber (CRM) with asphalt has been used for years, and several manufacturing processes have been developed in Europe as well as in the USA. The use of a bituminous sub-ballast layer has been pointed out as an exciting alternative to the granular sub-ballast design traditionally applied in most railroad tracks. Frequently, unbound granular materials are replaced by bituminous sub-ballast that provide additional benefits to the subgrade protection. Much research has been conducted on finding other alternative material to be used as a modifier in asph…

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Tesi di dottorato sotto la supervisione del professore Gaetano di Mino del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile di Palermo), come borsista Marie-Curie all'interno del progetto SUPRITN 2013/2017. Il mio lavoro e la linea della ricerca riguarda i conglomerati bituminosi con granulato di gomma per lo strato di sub-ballast nelle linee ferroviarie. L’attività di ricerca comprende il mix-design dell’asfalto con aggiunta di gomma, la caratterizzazione e le prestazioni per la ferrovia in termini di comportamento meccanico e lo smorzamento delle vibrazioni. In particolare con l’avvento dell’alta velocità, diversi studi hanno evidenziato ottime caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche per ciò che riguarda il c…

research product

Evaluation of dry asphalt rubber concrete in railway sub-ballast using the four point bending test

The study of bituminous mixes can be related to tyre rubber material recycling. Encouraging scrap tyre disposal and cutting down on pit employment are the environmental aims. In the field of railways, technological processes involved in the use of crumb rubber are the wet-dry processes. In the mechanical characterisation of the asphalt concrete in terms of both the fatigue resista recycled waste tires nce and the stiffness modulus it is necessary to use a design method for the sub-ballast railway material, even more so if the asphalt concrete investigated is an innovative material such as a dry asphalt rubber concrete (DARC) (i.e. a bituminous mixture with crumb rubber formed by a dry proce…

research product

Procedure for a Temperature-Traffic Model on Rubberized Asphalt Layers for Roads and Railways

The impact of temperature on the mechanical properties and thermal susceptibility of the railway bituminous sub-ballast layer, has served as motivation to develop the advanced measurement of thermal cycles in this layer and, an evaluation of the average seasonal temperatures interpolated by sinusoidal functions, of which characteristic parameters are determined. According to weather situation, Barber’s temperature model was used to prove the effectiveness for the railway superstructure. It is included the assessment of improved modified asphalt mixes performed with coarse rubber from scrap tires, having 1.5 to 3 percent of crumb rubber (particle size 0.2-4 mm) by weight of the total mix, as…

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