Winkelverteilungen elastisch an Edelgas-Atomstrahlen gestreuter Elektronen; Spinpolarisation eines an Argon gestreuten 40 eV-Elektronenstrahls
The angular distribution of electrons scattered elastically by rare-gas atomic beams (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) has been investigated over the angular range from 20° to 155° and with electron energies between 5 eV and 1000 eV. The results are compared with theory. Only for energies above 300 eV the agreement is good. The angular dependence of polarization P(Θ) of electrons, elastically scattered by a beam of argon atoms, is measured in a double scattering experiment for an electron energy of 40 eV. Maximum degree of polarization measured isP=12.5% ± 2.5%.