Valdis Krebs
A Potential Field Function for Overlapping Point Set and Graph Cluster Visualization
In this paper we address the problem of visualizing overlapping sets of points with a fixed positioning in a comprehensible way. A standard visualization technique is to enclose the point sets in isocontours generated by bounding a potential field function. The most commonly used functions are various approximations of the Gaussian distribution. Such an approach produces smooth and appealing shapes, however it may produce an incorrect point nesting in generated regions, e.g. some point is contained inside a foreign set region. We introduce a different potential field function that keeps the desired properties of Gaussian distribution, and in addition guarantees that every point belongs to a…
Latvijas zinātnieku diaspora: sadarbības tīkli un iespējas : pētījuma rezultāti
Pētījumstiek īstenots ERAF projektāNr.: “Integrētie nacionālā līmeņa pasākumi Latvijas pētniecības un attīstības interesu pārstāvības stiprināsanai Eiropas pētniecības telpā”.