C. Adam

The distribution of cartilage thickness in the knee-joints of old-aged individuals -- measurement by A-mode ultrasound.

Abstract Objective. To provide data on the normal distribution of cartilage thickness in the knee joints of old-aged individuals. Design. The accuracy and reproducibility of cartilage thickness measurements were evaluated with A-mode ultrasound, and the cartilage thickness distribution was examined throughout both knee joints of nine individuals aged between 62 and 94 yr. Background. Data on the variation of cartilage thickness in the joint surfaces are relevant for the design of computer models of diathrodial joints and for surgical and arthroscopic procedures, particularly the calculation of cartilage material properties from indentation tests. Methods. A 12.5 MHz A-mode ultrasound transd…

research product

Struktur- und Ergebnisqualit�t eines Rettungssystems

Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es zu klaren, ob die Struktur des Mainzer Rettungssystems eine flachendeckende und fristgerechte Versorgung von Notfallpatienten gewahrleistet. Daruber hinaus wurde der Einflus infrastruktureller Faktoren des Stadtgebietes sowie der Reanimation durch Ersthelfer auf Struktur- und Ergebnisqualitat untersucht. Das zu untersuchende System versorgt 190 000 Einwohner auf einer Flache von 80 km2 mit Hilfe von 4 Rettungs- (RTW) und 1 Notarztwagen (NAW), die in einem gestaffelten System mit den Moglichkeiten eines Fruhdefibrillationsprogramms fur Rettungsassistenten eingesetzt werden.

research product

Non-invasive determination of cartilage thickness throughout joint surfaces using magnetic resonance imaging.

Abstract Data on articular cartilage thickness in the living are important for the design of computer models, aimed at preoperatively assessing the effect of surgical procedures on joint contact and load transmission, and for the calculation of cartilage material properties from its deformational behavior as determined during arthroscopy. A non-invasive method for measuring cartilage thickness in living subjects is, however, not available. A technique based on magnetic resonance imaging has therefore been tested for assessing articular cartilage thickness throughout joint surfaces. The accuracy is determined by comparing cartilage thickness maps obtained from three patellar specimens with a…

research product