Paola Leone
Histological Features of Cerebellar Neuropathology in Patients With Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) affect 29 million people in the European Union. Patients with ASH and NASH may exhibit cognitive impairment, reducing their quality of life. Steatohepatitis induces cerebral alterations. It is not known if histological analysis could allow distinguishing ASH, NASH, and/or cirrhosis neuropathology and other entities. The aim of this work was to analyze a set of histopathological features characterizing the brain lesions due to ASH, NASH, and cirrhosis. We performed a histological study using hematoxylin and eosin staining and immunohistochemical techniques in cerebellum of 31 subjects who died with healthy liver (n = 6),…
Papel de la inflamación periférica y la neuroinflamación en el deterioro cognitivo y motor en ratas con diferentes grados de daño hepático. Efectos del tratamiento con rifaximina
La encefalopatía hepática (EH) es un síndrome neuropsiquiátrico complejo consecuencia de un fallo hepático. Alrededor del 40% de los pacientes cirróticos sin síntomas clínicos evidentes de EH presenta encefalopatía hepática mínima (EHM), con déficits cognitivos y enlentecimiento psicomotor. La hiperamonemia y la inflamación periférica actúan sinérgicamente induciendo neuroinflamación, que altera la neurotransmisión conduciendo al deterioro de la función cognitiva y motora. Los pacientes con esteatohepatitis pueden presentar deterioro cognitivo leve si los niveles de hiperamonemia e inflamación son lo suficientemente elevados. Además, en cerebelo de estos pacientes se ha encontrado infiltrac…
Content Domain and Language Competence in Computer-mediated Conversation for Learning
This study addresses the issue of interactional dominance in Teletandem conversations, in which two speakers communicate via video calls and chat and alternatively use their L2, the latter being the native language of the interlocutor. In particular, the research focuses on the impact of language competence (native/non-native) and content expertise (minus/plus familiarity with the topic at hand) on the role assumed by each interlocutor in structuring conversation. The data consists of 3 hours of computer-mediated recorded and transcribed conversations during 3 meetings: meeting 1 comprises free discussion for mutual introduction; meeting 2 is a discussion in English of a topic chosen by the…