Heini Kujala

Planning for the future : identifying conservation priority areas for Iberian birds under climate change

[Context]: Species are expected to shift their distributions in response to global environmental changes and additional protected areas are needed to encompass the corresponding changes in the distributions of their habitats. Conservation policies are likely to become obsolete unless they integrate the potential impacts of climate and land-use change on biodiversity.

research product

Kunnat hidastamaan luontokatoa : suosituksia luontohaittojen välttämiseksi, lieventämiseksi ja kompensoimiseksi kuntien maankäytössä

Peer reviewed

research product

Pelkkä ekologinen kompensaatio ei takaa ekologisesti kestävää maankäyttöä

Uudistuvan luonnonsuojelulain (HE 76/2022) myötä ekologinen kompensaatio on noussut Suomessa ajankohtaiseksi aiheeksi. Ekologinen kompensaatio on kiistelty aihe niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisesti. Jonne Hytönen ja Anna-Kaisa Tupala (2022) nostivat Alue ja ympäristö -lehden numerossa 1/2022 julkaistussa kirjoituksessaan ansiokkaasti esiin ekologisen kompensaation riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia ekologisesti kestävän maankäytön suunnittelun näkökulmasta. Yksinkertaistaen heidän mukaansa kompensaatio palvelee ”reformistista”, sallivaa suunnittelua, joka voi mahdollistaa ympäristöä heikentäville hankkeille ohituskaistan tai lupa-automaatin. Vaihtoehtoisesti, tiukat reunaehdot huomioiden, kompensaat…

research product


Metapopulation theory and landscape ecology indicate that larger patches of habitat are more likely to support self-sustaining populations of more species. In spatial conservation planning, it makes sense that if all else is equal; one would prefer to conserve a large patch of habitat over a small patch. However, simplistic and selective application of these theories is having perverse impacts on the viability of rare and threatened species in fragmented landscapes. Preference toward conserving large patches and ambivalence toward protecting small patches is manifest in many land management policies and regulations. However, due to historical patterns of land-use and habitat loss, it is sel…

research product

Rethinking standard biodiversity offset calculations: Combining standard offset metrics with more ecologically relevant measures to improve biodiversity persistence

Biodiversity offsetting has been increasingly used around the world to compensate for the rising environmental impacts caused by development[1]. There is considerable scepticism about the effectiveness of offsets to achieve ‘no net loss’, particularly due to the lack of consistent metrics for measuring biodiversity losses and gains[1]. Current habitat based metrics often fail to capture biodiversity values at development sites [2], resulting in offsets which rarely compensate effectively for what is lost. Here we aim to understand how commonly used offset metrics differ from the larger pool of biodiversity metrics in science, and to identify options for improvement. We reviewed 259 publicat…

research product