Juan Chiva Beltrán
V. Mínguez, I. Rodríguez, V. Zuriaga (eds.). El sueño de Eneas. Imágenes utópicas de la ciudad.
La invención de Carlos II. Apoteosis simbólica de la Casa de Austria. Víctor Mínguez
Recension critica del libro de Victor Minguez: La invencion de Carlos II. Apoteosis simbolica de la Casa de Austria , Madrid, Centro de Estudios de Europa Hispanica, 2013, pp. 401.
Intravenous BQ-123 and phosphoramidon reduce ventricular ectopic beats and myocardial infarct size in dogs submitted to coronary occlusion and reperfusion
Abstract The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of endothelin on myocardial ischemia and reperfusion in anaesthetized dogs. Animals were submitted to left thoracotomy and 120 min of left anterior descending coronary occlusion, followed by 180 min of reperfusion. Arterial blood pressure and electrocardiogram (ECG) were recorded in order to analyze heart rate (HR)–pressure product and production of ectopic beats. Infarcted areas were identified by a macroscopic staining method and infarct size was expressed as percentage of risk zone. To inhibit the effects of endothelin in a group of animals, we administered intravenously an endothelin synthesis inhibitor (phosphoramidon) and …
García Mahíques, Rafael, Doménech García, Sergi (eds.) [2015]. Valor discursivo del cuerpo en el Barroco hispánico.
Recension del libro: GARCIA MAHIQUES, Rafael, DOMENECH GARCIA, Sergi (eds.) [2015]. Valor discursivo del cuerpo en el Barroco hispanico. Anejos de Imago. Revista de Emblematica y Cultura Visual, n. 4. Valencia, Universitat de Valencia, 464 pp .