Piazza Francesca
Il sapere congetturale tra medicina e retorica. Un’indagine su semeion e tekmerion
In this essay we focus on the epistemology of Hippocratic medicine starting from the analysis of two terms on which scholars have paid attention, semeion and tekmerion (and related verbs semainein and tekmairesthai ), connecting them to the notion of eikos. Our goal is to examine the conjectural and fallible nature of human knowledge starting from the peculiar case of ancient Greek medicine. In order to do this, we will make a comparison with another techne that played a crucial role in Greek culture: rhetoric. After all, if this comparison medicine-rhetoric may sound surprising for modern scholars, in the Greek world it was instead widespread and it is not by chance that the terms of our i…
Le parole dell'odio. Dal lessico alle pratiche verbali
Argomento dell'articolo è il fenomeno dello "hate speech" (discorso d’odio). La tesi che si sostiene è che tale fenomeno può essere meglio compreso se si parte dal mettere in discussione la netta distinzione tra una tra forma di violenza puramente ‘fisica’ e una puramente ‘verbale’ e si cerca, invece, di mettere a fuoco l’intreccio tra verbalità e violenza nell’essere umano, domandandosi se, ed eventualmente in che modo, il fatto di essere" animali parlanti" modifichi anche il nostro modo di essere violenti. Per fare questo, occorre superare un approccio puramente lessicale o semantico al fenomeno e inserire invece le parole d'odio nelle concrete pratiche verbali nelle quali esse sono utili…
Are Humans Poor at Arguing? From the ‘Argumentative Theory of Reasoning’ back to a Rhetorical Theory of Argumentation
Starting from Sperber and Mercier’s theory (2011) on the relationship between reasoning and arguing, we will try to rethink the link between rhetoric and argumentation. Using Aristotelian rhetoric as a theoretical framework, we will focus on two related features: 1) the nature and the role of argumentation inferences in classical models of rhetoric; 2) the role of normativity in assessing a naturalistic description of what we make when we argue.
The Need for More Rhetoric in the Public Sphere. A Challenging Thesis About Post-Truth
Since it hit the headlines and aroused the interest of scholars, the phenomenon of posttruth has received two main different interpretations: someone has observed that in the phenomenon there is nothing really new: lies and fakes are always existed and the only real difference is represented by the speed with which today, thanks to the means of communication, they spread. Others, on the other hand, have emphasized the close relationship between postmodernism and post-truth, arguing that the first one is the ideological background of the second one. Our paper aims to show that in order to frame post-truth in the right perspective, we need the theoretical framework offered by the rhetoric. In…