Martynas Kinka
Dielectric and Ultrasonic Investigation of Phase Transitions in PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3Ceramics
We have investigated dielectric and acoustic properties of PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3 ceramics, obtained by conventional ceramic technology, in 120–450 K temperature interval. Dielectric response showed diffused dielectric permittivity maximum caused by ferroelectric phase transition around 380 K, but no dielectric anomalies associated with magnetic phase transition at low temperatures were observed. Formation of the polar phase was confirmed by ultrasonically detected piezoelectric sensitivity. Ultrasonic investigations using pulse-echo method showed two anomalous regions in temperature dependencies of ultrasonic velocity and attenuation, associated with magnetic and ferroelectric phase transitions.
Triboelectric behaviour of selected MOFs in contact with metals
This work was funded by Latvian-Lithuanian-Taiwan Scientific Cooperation Support Fund (LV-LT-TW/2021/3) represented by the Research Council of Lithuania (Project Nr. S-LLT-21-2) and Latvian Council of Science (Project Nr. 03000- Fa-Kuen Shieh would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, for funding support (MOST 110-2923-M-008-002-MY3). Part of the measurements were performed on equipment located at the Center of Excellence at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, which is supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2. O. Ve…