Ioan Ovidiu Abrudan
The Building of Bell-Towers Added to Romanian Churches
Abstract This paper aims to emphasize a specific aspect in the evolution of the architecture of churches built by Romanian Orthodox or Greek-Catholic communities in the Sibiu region, in the second half of the eighteenth century and during the nineteenth century. More exactly, it is the widespread presence, in the ecclesiastical architecture of that county, and also in other Romanian Transylvanian settings, of the western tower, added to the church, which housed the bells and sometimes even clocks. In most cases, the raising of these towers was entrusted to Saxon masons from Sibiu, whose names have been preserved in inscriptions on the walls of edifices, or by their registering in contracts …
Representations of the Life-giving Spring feast in Romanian iconography
This article explores the development of the theme of the Life-giving Spring in Byzantine iconography. The path towards its establishment was initiated at the moment when a representation rule, an original convention was set. Thereafter, because of its diffusion in time and space, the theme became enriched by particular mentalities and sensibilities of the epochs and the communities that adopted it as a form of devotion for the Virgin Theotokos. As a result, the representations we have known so far are extremely varied. Contribution: The final purpose of this approach, as well as its contribution, is to highlight the diverse unity of the iconographic tradition and illustrate both the evolut…
The Donation Act of Hagi Constantin Pop’s Family for the Annunciation Church in Sibiu
This article presents an important document relating to the history of an Orthodox church in Sibiu (Biserica din Groapă), whose construction was possible due to the support provided by the family of the wealthy Macedonian-Romanian merchant Hagi Constantin Pop, at the beginning of the nineteenth century. After a thorough description of the document, we will provide both the German transcription and the English translation of the text. The notes and comments that accompany the document are meant to shed light upon the historical context in which the church was raised and to emphasize the importance of the document, which is the oldest one preserved in the archives of the Annunciation Church. …