J. B. Tausk
The sunset diagram in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory
A general procedure for the calculation of a class of two-loop Feynman diagrams is described. These are two-point functions containing three massive propagators, raised to integer powers, in the denominator, and arbitrary polynomials of the loop momenta in the numerator. The ultraviolet divergent parts are calculated analytically, while the remaining finite parts are obtained by a one-dimensional numerical integration, both below and above the threshold. Integrals of this type occur, for example, in chiral perturbation theory at order p^6.
QCD effects and $b$-tagging at LEP I
We analyze the impact of using $b$-tagged samples in studying non-Abelian effects due to QCD in $e^+e^-\ar 4$jet events at $\sqrt s=M_{Z^0}$, using angular variable analyses and comparisons with $e^+e^-\ar 3 \mbox{jet}\gamma$ events. We find that QCD effects are largely enhanced in $b$-quark samples with respect to `unflavoured' ones, where energy-ordering is used to distinguish between gluon and quark jets. We show that the $b$-quark mass influences the angular distributions significantly and should not be neglected
QCD effects andb-tagging at LEP I
We analyze the impact of usingb-tagged samples in studying non-Abelian effects due to QCD ine + e − → 4jet events at √s=M z 0, using angular variable analyses and comparisons withe + e − → 3jetγ events. We find that QCD effects are largely enhanced inb-quark samples with respect to ‘unflavoured’ ones, where energy-ordering is used to distinguish between gluon and quark jets. We show that theb-quark mass influences the angular distributions significantly and should not be neglected.