Mikhail Agrachev
A magnetic look into the protecting layer of Au25 clusters
The field of molecular metal clusters protected by organothiolates is experiencing a very rapid growth. So far, however, a clear understanding of the fine interactions between the cluster core and the capping monolayer has remained elusive, despite the importance of the latter in interfacing the former to the surrounding medium. Here, we describe a very sensitive methodology that enables comprehensive assessment of these interactions. Pulse electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) was employed to study the interaction of the unpaired electron with the protons of the alkanethiolate ligands in four structurally related paramagnetic Au25(SR)0 18 clusters (R ¼ ethyl, propyl, butyl, 2-methylpro…
CCDC 1453036: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Mikhail Agrachev, Sabrina Antonello, Tiziano Dainese, José A. Gascón, Fangfang Pan, Kari Rissanen, Marco Ruzzi, Alfonso Venzo, Alfonso Zoleo, Flavio Maran|2016|Chemical Science|7|6910|doi:10.1039/C6SC03691K