A randomized, intraindividual, non-inferiority, Phase III study comparing daylight photodynamic therapy with BF-200 ALA gel and MAL cream for the treatment of actinic keratosis.
Abstract Background The most effective treatment modality for actinic keratosis (AK) is photodynamic therapy (PDT). Major obstacles of PDT are the need of a special illumination device and pain accompanying the illumination. These issues may be overcome by replacing an artificial high‐power light source with natural daylight for more extended illumination at lower light doses. Objective To determine whether BF‐200 ALA (a nanoemulsion gel containing 7.8% 5‐aminolaevulinic acid) is non‐inferior to MAL (a cream containing 16% methyl‐aminolaevulinate) in the treatment of mild‐to‐moderate AK with daylight PDT (dPDT). Non‐inferiority of the primary efficacy variable (total lesion clearance rate p…