Laura Triolo
Seidlmayer’s purpura: five cases and review of the literature
Una gonartrite postinfettiva: tre virus....un'articolazione
Seidlmayer’s purpura: five cases and review of the litterature
About 100 cases of AHEI have been published in medical literature worldwide. Although initially considered a variant of Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), it is now considered a separate entity: in fact it shows infrequently visceral involvement and IgA skin depositions. Furthermore these patients show a better prognosis than HSP patients. Onset age for AHEI usually ranges between 4 and 24 months but it spreads from birth to 60 months. AHEI, also defined Seidlmayer’s purpura (SP), is characterized by the triad: fever, oedema and purpura. The latter is usually rosette-, annular- or targeted-shaped primarily over the face, ears and extremities in a nontoxic infant. The development and the rapidi…