Daniel Bautista
Burning mouth syndrome : correlation of treatment to clinical variables of the disease
Objective: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a complex disorder with a still uncertain etiopathogenesis. A number of treatments have been used in application to BMS, though without clearly successful results. The present study compares the improvement in BMS obtained as a result of different treatment modalities in relation to the clinical characteristics of the patients. Study Design: A retrospective cohort study was made of 115 patients with BMS (109 females and 6 males) subjected to different treatments with a view to improving the symptoms. The clinical variables examined included the duration of the disorder, the location of the burning sensation, its daily variations and relationship wi…
Rheological blood behavior is not only influenced by cardiovascular risk factors but also by aging itself. Research into 927 healthy Spanish Mediterranean subjects.
It is not well-established whether the alterations that the hemorheological profile undergoes with aging are an effect of concomitant cardiovascular risk factors or are due to age itself. To clarify this issue, we investigated the effect of age on blood rheology in a population of 927 healthy subjects from eastern Spain aged between 16-85 years, divided into four age groups (<30, 30-44, 45-50, ≥60 years) with and without cardiovascular risk factors. We determined blood viscosity, corrected blood viscosity (BVc), plasma viscosity (PV), erythrocyte aggregation (EA), erythrocyte deformability (EEI60) and fibrinogen, along with glucose and plasma lipids. We found that corrected blood viscosity …
Estudio epidemiológico y factores pronóstico de la infección en artroplastias, durante un periodo de 6 años.
Mediante un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica de infecciones se estudia la incidencia de infec - ción en prótesis de rodilla y cadera entre los años 2007 y 2012 en nuestro hospital. Los resultados se comparan con otros sistemas de vigilancia en España y Europa (Programa Inclimecc ® , Helics ® y según el Center for Disea - ses Control ). En nuestro hospital se han colocado un total de 3155 prótesis de cadera y rodilla (prótesis de cadera y rodilla por artrosis y prótesis cadera por fractura subcapital) con un total de infecciones registradas de 66 y una tasa media de infección de 2.09. Los factores predisponentes estudiados han sido: diabetes mellitus, obesidad, neoplasia, insuficiencia r…
Efect of periodontal disease and non surgical periodontal treatment on C-reactive protein. Evaluation of type 1 diabetic patients
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze how anti-infectious periodontal treatment affects C reactive protein (CRP) values in patients with type 1 diabetes, and correlate baseline CRP levels with periodontal disease severity. Study Design: A cohort of fifty three subjects with type 1 diabetes and moderate to severe periodontitis were recruited. Periodontal parameters were measured, and blood samples were obtained to evaluate high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Group 1 was treated with scaling, root planning, and systemic administration of doxycycline. Group 2 received only scaling and root planning. Results: Hs-CRP was reduced after periodontal treatment in group 1 (-0…
Influence of social factors on avoidable mortality: a hospital-based case-control study.
Objective. The effect of socioeconomic factors on avoidable mortality at an individual level is not well known, since most studies showing this association are based on aggregate data. The purpose of this study was to determine socioeconomic differences between those patients who die of avoidable causes and those who do not die. Methods. A matched case-control study was carried out regarding in-hospital avoidable mortality (Holland's medical care indicators) that occurred in a university hospital serving a Spanish-Mediterranean population during a 30-month period. Results. We studied 82 cases of death from avoidable causes and 300 controls matched on medical care indicators and age. The var…
Association of metabolic syndrome and its components with hyperuricemia in a Mediterranean population.
Several studies have found an association between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome (MS), although there are discrepancies as to which MS components play a pivotal role in this association. We aimed to investigate the association between serum uric acid (SUA) levels and MS in a Mediterranean population (eastern Spain). We performed a case-control study of 71 patients with MS and 122 healthy controls. MS was defined according to the revised National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III modified criteria. Hyperuricemia was defined as SUA levels >6.55 mg/dL. We determined biochemical, lipidic and inflammatory parameters along with uric acid. Patients with MS showed a high…
Caries dental en diabéticos tipo 1: Influencia de factores sistémicos de la enfermedad en la instauración de la caries dental
Objetivos: La diabetes mellitus es una de las enfermedades crónicas más prevalentes en población general. Se presenta un estudio que pretende evaluar la presencia de caries en los pacientes diabéticos tipo 1. El objetivo específico era comprobar si había o no mayor incidencia de caries en diabéticos tipo 1 comparándolos con un grupo de individuos no diabéticos. También, se comprobó la relación con las tasas de flujo salival y con los factores propios de la enfermedad como el grado de control metabólico, el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad y la existencia de complicaciones crónicas. Diseño del estudio: Se estudiaron 90 diabéticos tipo 1 de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 50 años d…
Application of a capsaicin rinse in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome
Objective: To examine the efficacy of a new topical capsaicin presentation as an oral rinse in improving the symptoms of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Study design: A prospective, double-blind, cross-over study was made of 30 patients with BMS. There were 7 dropouts; the final study series thus comprised 23 individuals. The patients were randomized to two groups: (A) capsaicin rinse (0.02%) or (B) placebo rinse, administered during one week. After a one-week washout period, the patients were then assigned to the opposite group. Burning discomfort was scored using a visual analog scale (VAS): in the morning before starting the treatment, in the afternoon on the first day of treatment, and at…
Oral manifestations in a group of adults with autism spectrum disorder
Objective: A number of studies have evaluated the oral health of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), though most have involved children, and no specific oral manifestations have been described. The present study describes the buccodental disorders and hygiene habits in a group of adults with ASD. Study Design: A prospective case-control study was made of a group of patients with ASD (n=30), with a mean age of 27.7 +/- 5.69 years, and of a healthy age-and gender-matched control group (n=30). An evaluation was made of the medical history, medication, oral hygiene habits and oral diseases, with determination of the CAOD, CAOS and OHI-S oral hygiene scores. Results: Most of the patien…
Metabolic alterations in morbid obesity. Influence on the haemorheological profile.
There are few studies on haemorheological disturbances in morbidly obese patients. The role played by the metabolic syndrome on the rheological profile of morbidly obese subjects has not yet been established, and it is not clear whether morbidly obese, but "metabolically healthy", show rheological alterations. We aimed to determine the whole rheological profile in 136 morbidly obese patients and 136 normo-weight volunteers, along with plasma lipids, inflammatory and insulin resistance parameters. Patients had statistically higher glucose, triglycerides, HbA1c, leptin, insulin, HOMA, CRP, leucocytes, fibrinogen, plasma viscosity (p0.001, respectively), erythrocyte aggregation at 3 s-1 (p = 0…
Are abdominal obesity and body mass index independent predictors of hemorheological parameters?
There is an association between obesity and rheological blood behavior [2, 4–7]. In this sense we have read with interest the recently published article by Brun et al. [1] in this journal. The authors evaluate, in a population of 430 subjects, the relationship between abdominal obesity and body mass index (BMI) with blood viscosity, and conclude that both anthropometric parameters are associated with increased blood viscosity but by different mechanisms, where the waist to hip ratio is a better predictor for blood viscosity than BMI. It is striking that in this study the authors do not indicate the variables included in the stepwise multivariate regression model, where plasma lipids, glucos…