Non-classic cystic fibrosis associated with D1152HCFTR mutation
Burgel P-R, Fajac I, Hubert D, Grenet D, Stremler N, Roussey M, Siret D, Languepin J, Mely L, Fanton A, Labbe A, Domblides P, Vic P, Dagorne M, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Counil F, Varaigne F, Bienvenu T, Bellis G, Dusser D. Non-classic cystic fibrosis associated with D1152H CFTR mutation. Background: Limited knowledge exists on phenotypes associated with the D1152H cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutation. Methods: Subjects with a D1152H allele in trans with another CFTR mutation were identified using the French Cystic Fibrosis Registry. Phenotypic characteristics were compared with those of pancreatic insufficient (PI) and pancreatic sufficient (PS) cystic fibrosis (CF)…