Biological tolerance of different materials in bulk and nanoparticulate form in a rat model: sarcoma development by nanoparticles
In order to study the pathobiological impact of the nanometre-scale of materials, we evaluated the effects of five different materials as nanoparticulate biomaterials in comparison with bulk samples in contact with living tissues. Five groups out of 10 rats were implanted bilaterally for up to 12 months with materials of the same type, namely TiO 2 , SiO 2 , Ni, Co and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), subcutaneously with bulk material on one side of the vertebral column and intramuscularly with nanoparticulate material on the contralateral side. At the end of each implantation time, the site was macroscopically examined, followed by histological processing according to standard techniques. Malign…