Rapid and specific detection of F17-related pilin and adhesin genes in diarrheic and septicemic Escherichia coli strains by multiplex PCR
The F17-related adhesins are prevalent in Escherichia coli strains isolated from calves with diarrhea or septicemia and from lambs with nephropathy. The F17 family includes the F17a, F17b, F17c, and F111 fimbriae produced by bovine E. coli strains and the G agglutinin produced by human uropathogenic E. coli strains. An easy and inexpensive multiplex PCR method was developed to detect all the F17-related fimbriae and to identify four subtypes of structural subunit genes and two distinct subfamilies of adhesin genes by only two runs of amplification. A strict correlation was observed between the phenotypic assays and the multiplex PCR method when 166 pathogenic E. coli strains isolated from i…