Christopher T. Monk

Experimental size-selective harvesting affects behavioral types of a social fish

In most fisheries, larger fish experience substantially higher mortality than smaller fish. Body length, life history, and behavioral traits are often correlated, such that fisheries-induced changes in size or life history can also alter behavioral traits. However, empirical evidence regarding how size-selective harvesting alters the evolution of behavioral traits in exploited stocks is scarce. We used experimental lines of Zebrafish Danio rerio that were exposed to positively size-selective, negatively size-selective, or random harvest over five generations. Our aim was to investigate whether simulated fishing changed the mean personality of the surviving females five generations after ini…

research product

Feeding Aquatic Ecosystems : Whole-Lake Experimental Addition of Angler’s Ground Bait Strongly Affects Omnivorous Fish Despite Low Contribution to Lake Carbon Budget

It is well documented that aquatic ecosystems may be subsidized by naturally derived terrestrial carbon sources. In contrast, the intentional or unintentional subsidy of animal populations by human-derived feed resources and their ecosystem effects are poorly studied. We added ground baits of the type, amount and temporal duration commonly applied by anglers targeting cyprinid fishes to a small lake, and studied behavior, diet composition and annual growth rate of the lake fish community in response to the bait addition. Based on recordings by a high-resolution ultrasonic telemetry array, common carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a model benthivore spend more time at the sites where ground baits wer…

research product