Elina Aaltio
Implementointitutkimuksesta tukea sosiaalityön tutkimuksen ja käytännön kehittämiseen
Developing a programme theory for the Systemic Practice Model in children's social care : Key informants' perspectives
Vague programme descriptions are known to impede implementation and evaluation. Yet social work change programmes often fail to describe in detail how they aim to provide better outcomes for children and families. This study focused on the Systemic Practice Model (SPM), which is a Finnish adaptation of Reclaiming Social Work, a practice model developed in England. The SPM aims to deliver systemic practice in children's social care and has recently been widely disseminated across Finland. However, research has found both considerable variation in its delivery and a lack of clarity about what it is. This study, applying realist evaluation, aimed to formulate a programme theory based on the pe…
Systeemisen lastensuojelun toimintamallin ydinelementit : Kuvaus asiakastason ydinelementeistä, tavoitteista ja toimintamekanismeista
Tämä työpaperi kuvaa suomalaisen systeemisen lastensuojelun toimintamallin keskeiset ydinelementit, tavoitteet ja toimintamekanismit. Kuvaus on kirjoitettu tutkijoiden vetämän työpajaprosessin pohjalta, missä tutkijat kutsuivat mallin kansalliseen kehittämiseen ja levittämiseen osallistuneita avainhenkilöitä työstämään yhteistä käsitystä mallin keskeisimmistä ominaisuuksista. Tutkijavetoisen prosessin tavoitteena on ollut kirkastaa ja konkretisoida systeemistä lastensuojelun toimintamallia. Tällä tavoin mallin nykyiset ja uudet käyttäjät voivat paremmin arvioida, miten erilaiset paikalliset ratkaisut suhtautuvat tässä työpaperissa esitettyyn mallin peruskuvaukseen. Työpaperin kuvaus keskitt…
Evaluating the effectiveness of the systemic practice model of children’s social care – A pilot study on child- and family-level outcomes
The Systemic Practice Model (SPM) is a Finnish adaptation of the Reclaiming Social Work (RSW) model, which incorporates systemic ideas and practice into children’s social care. This study is the first attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the RSW model outside England. The study employed a quasi-experimental repeated measures design. Questionnaires assessing child- and family-level outcomes and the quantity (i.e., number of meetings) and quality (i.e., service user feedback) of the practice were administered to social workers, children and parents twice over a six-month follow-up period. Outcome data comprise 112 cases (SPM cases n = 56, service-as-usual cases n = 56) from 18 child prote…
Effectiveness of child protection practice models : a systematic review
Background Attempts to improve child protection outcomes by implementing social work practice models embedded in a particular theory and practice approach, have increased internationally over the past decade. Objective To assess the evidence of the effectiveness of child protection practice models in improving outcomes for children and families. Participants and setting Children < 18 years and their families involved in child protection services. Methods A systematic review was conducted to synthesize evidence regarding the effectiveness of child protection practice models. Systematic searches across 10 electronic databases and grey literature were conducted to identify quasi-experimental s…
Vahvempaa tutkimustietoa sosiaalityön kehittämiseksi : kriittisiä askeleita
Fidelity and influencing factors in the Systemic Practice Model of children's social care in Finland
Given that multiple countries have recently adopted social work practice models in children’s services, it is striking that only a few studies have systematically analysed both the level of fidelity and potential implementation barriers and facilitators. The aim of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis of how and why the Reclaiming Social Work (RSW) model works in different settings. The study context was the implementation in Finland of an adaptation of the model, the Systemic Practice Model (SPM). This mixed-methods study evaluates 1) fidelity to the SPM and 2) the possible influencing factors. The results reveal high variability in the extent of fidelity in 23 implementation site…
Lastensuojelun tutkimusperustan vahvistamisen haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia
- Lastensuojelun toimintamallit voivat olla lupaava tapa parantaa lastensuojelua, mutta systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksemme mukaan niiden vaikuttavuudesta on vielä hyvin vähän tietoa. Tarve mallien vaikuttavuustutkimukselle on suuri. - Lastensuojelun tutkimusperustaisuuden edistämisessä voidaan toimintamallien ohella hyödyntää muita rinnakkaisia strategioita. -Kehittämistyöhön tulisi kytkeä nykyistä enemmän arviointitutkimusta. Näin uusista lupaavista menetelmistä ja malleista saataisiin tuotettua tietoa aiempaa järjestelmällisemmin. - Tieto olisi myös paremmin yleistettävissä, kun sen tuottamista olisivat ohjanneet tieteellisen tutkimuksen yleiset eettiset periaatteet ja hyvä tieteelli…
Achieving agreement on service needs in child protection : Comparing children’s, mothers’ and practitioners’ views over time and between approaches
Purpose While studies on service users’ participation and their perceptions on the quality of services exist, agreement between family members’ and practitioners’ assessments of the family’s situation has received less interest. The purpose of this paper is to investigate agreement and its effect on outcomes by comparing the viewpoints of three groups of informants (children, mothers and practitioners) in the context of statutory child protection in two study groups – one applying a systemic approach (SPM) and a service-as-usual control group (SAU). Design/methodology/approach A quasi-experimental repeated-measures study design was applied. Outcome data comprised 112 cases (SPM cases n = 5…