Rihards Kondratovičs
Latvijas Universitātes Botāniskais dārzs, 80
Teksts paralēli latviešu un angļu valodā
Introduction and Breeding of Rhododendrons in Latvia
Abstract Rhododendrons are relatively new beautiful ornamental plants in Latvia forming an essential part of public and private gardens, although they were introduced in Latvian territory already during the first half of 19th century. Rhododendrons deserve their immense popularity due to the diversity of their habitat, size and type of blossoms and leaves and their flowering season. There are about 1000 rhododendron species in the wild up to now whereas breeders in various countries have created more than 30 000 cultivars. Intensive rhododendrons introduction and acclimatization in Latvia started in 1957 when Rihards Kondratovičs, at the time director of the Botanical Garden, University of …
Latvijas Valsts universitātes profesori jubilejas gadā: biobibliogrāfiskais rādītājs
Biobibliogrāfiskajā rādītājā ietvertas LVU profesoru biogrāfijas un doti profesoru zinātnisko darbu publikāciju saraksti. Darbs veltīts universitātes septiņdesmit gadu atcerei.